Returning to short curt sentences I used when starting journal. Briefly. Hard to write this way. Sitting in Cafe Olay drinking coffee and eating egg and cheese on whole wheat bagel. Yum. Free wireless here. Feeling guilty that I don’t visit Starbucks more often. Paying for Starbucks t-mobile wireless, but no egg and cheese on whole wheat bagel at Starbucks. Free wireless at Cafe Olay. Conundrum city. Owner’s dog is inside tied to table next to me. Dog smells my dog on me. Bringing my dog next time for dog face-off. Few places in city allow pets within eating establishment — unless you’re blind. Not blind. Considered hooking up Chew Chew to look like seeing eye dog. Wondering if anyone would buy it. Need to check eBay and investigate further. Can’t find name of whatever it is guide dog’s owners use as a leash. Decided to call it Guide Leash in meantime. No guide leashes for sale on eBay.
No news on my whereabouts after new year. Wondering if I should put Account Manager hat on. Account Manager hat looks just like I Need A Job hat except you end up working for the same consulting company. Seriously need to take database classes to eliminate personal knowledge gap. Find it funny that as I slowly notifying clients that I’m leaving that many of them gasp in horror at the thought of my departure. Hoping that next assignment is closer to a window somewhere. Remembering *brief* period in 2000 when I had an office with a window. Couldn’t get anything done. Need to get one of those chambers they had in ”Altered States” movie. Probably wouldn’t be distracted once I was in there. In lieu of not finding ”Altered States” chamber, would be willing to work inside ”The Fly” transporter pod. Need to stop watching psychedelic 80’s movies.
Feeling better after sickness tapered off. Worked out abs on Monday in mini-set. Ran three miles on Tuesday. Worked out chest on Wednesday. Did back and triceps on Thursday. Ran four miles on Friday. Have to leave and get ready for 11 o’clock appointment. Requesting arms workout. Watched ESPN while I ran Friday’s four miles. Couldn’t care less about steroid use in baseball. Never would touch stuff, myself. Thinking media is running short on topics to sensationalize this week.
Ashlee Simpson Saturday Night Live episode repeats tonight. Can’t wait to see dress rehearsal version of song she screwed up when live. SNL always uses dress rehearsal version of stuff to save face when live version doesn’t go off right. Wish I had dress rehearsal version of my life to use in same circumstance.