I got some great advice on controlling fever by alternating Tylenol and Aspirin every two hours from the medically saavy QueenBeth. Last night was terrible. 101 degree temperature. Waking up in a sweat. Dreaming I had lockjaw. Who comes up with this stuff? I almost feel well enough to go back to work, although it is 2:30 PM in the afternoon and the 45 minute trip might not be very wise given the short day. Going to boot up my work laptop and crank out some output in the interim while I mull things over.
Al Qaeda detainee Khalid Shaikh Mohammed bears more than a striking resemblence to porn’s most famous actor Ron Jeremy. But wait, there more! They also are known as ”Big Guys” to those that work with them. Interesting coincidence… or conspiracy? Both have enough body hair to frighten a young bear. Khalid sees blowing stuff up as his job. Ron sees blow jobs as his stuff.
Khalid is probably trapped in a room surrounded by 25 men who are beating Al Qaeda information out of him. Ron is probably trapped in a room surrounded by 25 women who are beating DNA information out of him. Khalid expects to sleep with 72 virgins when he dies. Ron will finally get a break from sleeping with virgins when he dies.