20-Jan-2001 Uncategorized

battlefield earth

Went to Number’s last night and took more pictures. I thought I was going to see a friend from work, but she didn’t make it.
Instead, I got to basically get drunk for free and do things which I don’t exactly recall now. Nothing raunchy. Just conversations that I wasn’t recording
with my brain. Had a run in with the law. We chatted and discussed why a car spinning around and fishtailing is OK. They didn’t buy my reasoning (we hit
a unmarked gravity well). Their loss. Hope they fall into it. Alex wasn’t there but cuties were still around.

Heard that Rose McGowan and Marilyn Manson split up this week. I really wanted that to work out. Manson is a great guy guy. No, I’m not being
facetious. He is a musician and he has talent. He’s an artist. He speaks his mind. When he got engaged to Rose, he gave her an antique diamond ring.
Pretty damn romantic, man. That stuff is cool. So, after being together for two or three years they are completely broken up. Rose is 26. Manson just
turned 32 on January 5th so he’s about 8 months older than me. Who knows why engagements don’t work out. Is it better to engage and then break up as opposed
to engage, marry, and then break up. I think option #1. Even better is to date and then break up before engaging. I have never engaged before.
Well, that’s not completely true. I have an ex-girlfriend from when I was 17 (she was 15) who was telling people that we were going to get married. It was
a bit disarming to hear that second hand. I also was pseudo engaged back in 1994 when my ex-girlfriend Betsy got engaged. Everyone at my college saw us still
hanging out as friends. They knew we had dated before. I guess news of the breakup wasn’t properly distributed. So, she gets engaged. She has this giant
diamond ring and is showing it around to people. Later that day someone comes up to me and says, "Congratulations!" Confused, I ask what for?
The person starts to stammer and say, "Well, uhhh… on your… uh… you know, your engagement." I corrected them and went along my way. Laughing.
In retrospect that’s kind of sad. I have a string of ex-girlfriends who went on to get married. I feel like I’m a marriage training guy or something. I don’t
get the prize at the end, but I’m there on that mentoring level. Another friend of mine from high school, Darwin Keys, had the same problem.
He’s the drummer for the band
Buy their album.
They rock (literally). Darwin was also a marriage trainer. Wondering how I can train girls for something else besides that. I have some ideas, but they are
mostly naughty and impure. Hmmm. Must shower now.