Okay, so I’ve been *really* bad about updating. I have updates that I wrote over the last 60 days
that haven’t been posted. Expect those to appear (if they haven’t already). Me so busy. Miso
soup tastes good. Me sew buttons back on when they fall off. Me solo. Okay, enough nonsense.
On to the news!
”Unsolved Myseries” has been on television for freaking ever. You can catch it on the Lifetime
cable channel several times a day. The problem I have with watching the show is that they’ve got,
like, 15 years worth of shows in the can although they apparently still make new episodes. Without
doing any research on the web, I’m guessing this, by the way. Anyway, so they show you all this stuff
and it’s mysterious and all but I can’t seem to get into it because I don’t know if the mystery has
already been solved or if it’s still a real mystery and I should spend some time on the street trying
to bust the bad people from the particular episode that I’m watching. The host will sometimes tell
you how old someone is but you have no reference point to figure out when the episode came out
in order to add more years to that person’s age. That’s freakin annoying!
And on a related note, Robert Stack must be some kind of robot android or something because he does *not*
age in the slightest. Come to think of it, I want to be an android, too. Come on!
Where do I sign up for that? Okay, okay… enough sharing.
My dog has gotten sick as of late. My living 1600 miles away from him has made it hard to keep
up my vet visits. I just got an apartment here in Philly in May, so my intent was to fly Chew-Chew
up here and pour on the attention. Unfortunately this past week he has had a fever and needs to
take an antibiotic and children’s aspirin. To make things even worse, he tested positive for
heartworms. Sucks. To treat the disease he will be getting an injection for two consecutive
days of ”adulticide” which kills the adult heartworms.
He’ll then have to receive this other treatment that lasts 3 weeks to kill the larvae.
He can’t be allowed to over exert himself during this time because the dead worms in his blood
can get clogged in his lungs. Nice, eh? My dad has been extremely supportive
in taking care of Chew-Chew and now in helping me make him better, so I’m glad that he’s just as
concerned as I am. More on the drama of Chew Chew as it develops. His days as an outside dog are
over as far as I’m concerned. Outside = bad. Tell your friends.