I’m headin’ back to Texas for what appears to be three days chock full of isolated thunderstorms. I can’t wait! Bring on the rain, b****es! Anyway, yeah, I’m coming back home for a short while. I’ll pet my doggy. I’ll see the family. My dad is in Europe somewhere this week. Paris? Rome? I’m not sure which. I need to take a vacation this year. I want to go to Japan or some country in Asia. That’s unexplored Super Genius territory. Maybe I’ll make a commercial for whiskey while I’m there. Or not. Okay, I don’t really have a lot to say. I’m still at the Holiday Inn on 4th and Arch. I did back and chest yesterday and Spider-Man is lookin’ good. If I can convince my body to stay awake long enough, I may make an attempt at visiting Number’s Night Club tonight. One of these days I’m going to go on a Strike-Out Frenzy where I just hit on as many girls as possible and keep striking out until one of them doesn’t turn me down. I’ll definitely need a wing-man for that. Volunteers?