24-Oct-2000 Uncategorized

alternative reality

Got my Mr. Fusion in the mail yesterday. Lookie here.
And here.
Watched last minute of Back to the Future last night. Almost laughable how blatantly obvious a coffee grinder is being used
for the Mr. Fusion piece. Foresee myself in Home Depot trying to find pieces to complete project. Also foresee myself in Home Depot
buying things to satisfy Home Improvement urges.

Had sudden bright idea on way home to buy toy guns and paint them black. Matrix costume would be more complete. Went to TRU. Found
cool looking fake-o Nerf brand gun, but cost was $20. Frowned. Walked through whole store and found amazing supply of jack doodie.
Guess toy guns went out of style or ain’t legal no mo. In 1986 I bought an extremely realistic AK-47 water pistol. I miss it.
Bastard friend named Lenny borrowed it once and it was returned busted ass broken. Maybe a visit to Ebay is in order.
So, I take the $20 weapon to the price scanner in hopes it had been discounted. Holy Crap! Total cost only 90 cents. Woah.
I bought all 4 off the shelf. Decided I’d buy an aluminum scooter with all the cash I just saved. Sales kick ass!
Plan to dig out the metallic black spray paint and go to town on Nerf guns. More later. Star Trek on. Must satisfy my
Trekkie urges.

Added freak piece on sushi yesterday. Yum.