09-Oct-2002 Uncategorized

all text no pictures

Enteman’s and Tasty Cakes’ packaging resemble one another. Take a look at the grocery store aisles and you’ll see store-brand products that try to look like the real thing. Suzy Household may end up with Target brand glass cleaner thinking she picked up Windex brand. Must happen a lot. Wondering how far I can take this. If I dress up like Johnny Depp, will I get all his groupies with impaired vision?

Planning trip to New York without taking a car. Last trip featured Mark Shields in Lost in New York 2. Averse to asking for directions. Did it once and got two pages worth of instructions, all ending with, “…and then head straight for the FDR and you’re freakin’ there!” Must buy map.

My mom’s nursing agency got busted by the FBI. You think your boss is okay but in reality he’s a terrorist funding little bastard. I can think of some bosses I had in the past that were pure evil. Most of them were Authority Figures at the school I worked at. Anyway, mom is applying for work elsewhere. As a good friend said, ”that’s whack yo.”