Found out my water heater has been taking a pee for the last week or so. Downside is that I have some wet carpet and some of my action figure boxes got a bit damp.
Upside is I went to Home Depot and bought a brand new GE 50 gallon electric heater. $161 for heater. $199 for install. Replaced my old 1978 s**t can heater
which only gave me a hot shower for 5 minutes, max. Bought the heater at 7 PM on 4/1. Plumber called at 8 AM on 4/2. Arrived at 11 AM. Finished at 1 PM.
Not bad. Kicked my old heater as they wheeled its useless ass out. Last night I decided to fix the super leaky shower faucet. Only took two grueling hours
of pleading and begging with the crappy 1978 faucet innards. 1978 was apparently a bad year for water heaters and shower faucets.
Making note to self never to time travel back to 1978.
Put DeLorean’s flux dispersal coils back on the front bumper. Had to take it off the car after my dog chewed up the pinnings that hold it on. It took me
nearly 6 months of procrastination to finish. Made them from scratch out of wood. Reinstalled the pinning on the car this Saturday night. On Sunday morning I found
out my dog had chewed up one of them AGAIN! Bad doggy! Bad! So I made another one in about 10 minutes. Painted it. Pointed a fan at it. Waited a few hours.
Re-reinstalled new pinning I’d just made.
Whatever. Put annoying equipment in front of car to prevent more chewing. Also went to PetsMart and bought, like, 15 different things for the dog to chew on.
His favorite turns out to be dried smoked pig ears. Literally, these are ears from dead pigs. Think about it. You can go to the pet section and buy a bag of
12 pig ears. Some have a little ear hair on ’em. Most of them are semi transparent, allowing you to see the veins inside. Scary.
My dog eats one dried up pig ear in about 15 minutes. Wonder what he’d do with an entire pig head? Do they sell those anywhere, other than in school lunches?