Got two piles of paperwork staring at me. Momma pile and baby pile. Baby pile filled with receipts for expense reports. Momma pile filled with bills and paperwork I need to look at. Put both piles on bed so I can see them 24/7. Proximity to paperwork tricks my mind to think I’m just about to do it. Same standard applies when I’m talking to a cute girl. Heh. Okay, okay. Bad taste creeping into journal. Onward.
Loud satanic noise outside suddenly stopped yesterday. Operator of said loud ass noise making device must have weekend-only permit. Sanity returning. Now, only hear distant sound of I-95 and maybe A/C compressors on top of adjacent building. Every apartment gets one. Funny to see 200 of them strapped together up there. Lucky hurricanes never find their way here.
Got window open. Chilly outside, like 50 degrees. Doggy curled up on ball on his mat. Threw in my extra pillow for him to curl up on. Get a lot of people pulling up to red lights and yelling, ”Hey, great dog!” as we walk by. Briefly considered responding with, ”Oh, no, he’s a vicious killer. He bit off the hand of a two year-old last night. Stay away!” After moment’s hesitation, shook it off and kept my mouth shut.
What happens when you have three pinball machines and live alone.
Shoved momma and baby piles into my bag. Listened to Howard Stern on way to work. Stern interviewed Steve Crane, Bob Crane’s kid. Bob Crane was Hogan from Hogan’s Heroe’s. Bob Crane also made stag films for years before doing so became the industry it is today. Crane’s kid is torked new movie from Paul Schrader made his dad sound like a super pervert. ”He was just a regular pervert, dammit!” screamed Steve Crane. Interesting thing, Steve sells web vid of his dad’s old ”art” films at Reporter came on and asked Steve why he even cares about how his dad is presented in the movie. She also couldn’t believe Steve sells his dad’s old pr0n. Steve was like, ”MY DAD WAS NOT INTO S&M! He *did* make naughty movies, however, so! Go there! Bring $4!” Howard didn’t get it. Robyn didn’t get it. Bob got it. A lot, apparently.