Month: February 1996


labay jr. high

I’m still at Labay after teaching here for five days. Got some assigned reading from college out of the way. What? I didn’t actually read every book that I was supposed to have read? How is that possible? Ahem. Ummm. Well, let’s just say it is. My blog entry on 11/29/1995 is coming to fruition […]


miss my blue pen

I lost my blue pen at Thornton. It was actually stolen, but you can never be too sure about theft when you’re as absent-minded as me. Unless someone takes your clothes out of the dryer, for example, then theft would seem more obvious. I’m going through all the pens in Mr. Fuch’s desk (don’t laugh […]


thornton jr. high

It is miserably cold outside. Before leaving my house, I briefly toyed with the idea of bringing my cell phone with me. I chose not to. Oops. I drove up 529 with no problem until I got to Langham Creek. The car started to lose power right as I passed the school. flooring the gas […]