Sorry about that rather disrespectful entry yesterday. This guy that runs has some testimonial stuff up there that is rather pretentious. I don’t know why the casual testimonial never caught on. I think that’s the one that works the best. Everyone else’s always included references to burning in hell for eternity and that they felt pressured to go through with it. They may not say that, but that’s always the impression I get. ”I *had* to do it.” Riiight. That’s where the casual testimonial comes in. This doesn’t have to to deal specifically with religion, either. We could be talking about Star Trek and how it’s so entertaining. You casually mention that time travel, pretty girls and fighting are involved to your uninitiated, unsaved friend. Then… Bam! Your friend is a Trekkie.
The Foo Fighter’s Beanie Weanie is a good song. Go listen to it. Hmmm. I don’t think I mentioned this earlier, but I got contacted by BMI about licensing some supposed downloads of copyrighted songs I had on my site. I think I may have had something up years ago, but I’m not certain. I do know my MOD files are probably going to have to come down even though the author tells me they are unique works. They are derivatives if you want to get down to it. The Seal single will be gone today, that’s for sure. Anyway, I guess it was just a matter of time. I definitely have to disagree with the fool who believes that ”Information wants to be free.” Yeah, right. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.