I’m back from my five day training trip in Chicago. I now know all about JSR 168 web portal architecture. This is a technology that breaks up parts of web pages into ”portlets.” It’s good times all around. At least now I know *exactly* what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the year.
I didn’t get to explore Chicago much outside of touring downtown for a couple of hours. I did spot a few locations from The Blues Brothers, so that was cool. I’m back in Minneapolis once again and I’m on the cusp of running around one of the two lakes near me. I’ll hit up Calhoun Beach Club on Sunday to get some workout time in. I haven’t decided if I’m going to join that place or not. They try to lure you with the social activity stuff but I’m not sure I’m going to buy into it. They try to do the same thing with church — and church is cheaper! So, yeah, workout tomorrow. Biceps, triceps and chest. Then back and shoulders on Monday night. Cardio on Tuesday. I should really make a schedule for this. Winging it doesn’t work. I’ll have to work in some social activity in there someplace.
I’m trying to speak with a proper British accent as often as possible. I’m using the BBC WorldNews show to practice. I’ve pulled it off so far this weekend with people at Best Buy, Petsmart, and Taco Bell. The trick is not laughing at yourself or succumbing to feeling embarassed. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this newfound ability. My “mum” claims she can’t tell that I’m speaking with an accent. Whatever! My next podcast, however, will be totally British accented. Just watch.
I’m addicted to SIRIUS channel 22 — First Wave. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.