23-Jul-2003 Uncategorized

welcome to moviefone…

Have you read the blog of Mr. Pax as of late? I think the best information about what is going on in Iraq comes out of his blog. The media and the politicians in all countries involved are such poor sources of unbiased news, in my opinion. I plan to add this to my short list of links on the portals page.

And speaking of changes, I’ve cleaned up my templates so that you can browse my blog entries from previous months. I will still need to do a little more consolidation and template adjustments to make all of them consistent, but that will be happening soon. I was lucky enough to be able to borrow a projector while I was in Houston this weekend and now I work on a 8 foot by 8 foot giant projection of my computer display in my apartment while sitting on my bed/sofa. I guess I should go outside and make sure nobody can see me reading my Outlook email from the street.

Was in Houston this past weekend, as I mentioned before. Went to Number’s and had a blast despite it all. Saw The Lafitte’s and Kasey and Kat and several other regulars. No sign of Tom. Rich, my wise bartender friend from upstairs is working in Kuwait these days. It occurred to me that 4 or possibly 5 ex-girlfriends could show up at the same time if the stars all aligned correctly. Luckily the stars were minding their own business on Friday. Saturday I got into the DeLorean and couldn’t start it. Strange noise. I gave up. Started to drive away, then stopped. I wondered… is the car in gear? Yup. Duh. I put the car in neutral and the noise was gone. I’m sure my clutch appreciated it. Drove the 50 mile Kickapoo Run. Did some errands. My bank has changed their deposits policies. The effect this had on me was that I had to deposit a check, walked to the ATM to withdraw the money, then walked BACK to the counter to get larger bills. I pulled another bonehead and forgot my ATM card in the machine. It ate it. It destroyed it, more accurately. Had to order a new one. Bleah. Got it on Tuesday thanks to Airborn Express.

Went to my sister’s housewarming party on Saturday night and ate a lot of unusual food. I got a lot of remarks on being a skinny ass. According to the same medical scale that said I weighed 178 on 5/1/2003, I now (as of 7/19/2003) weighed 158. Woah. I have started my workout program which I hope will eventually prepare me for going to a real gym and hiring a real trainer so I can get the Spider-Man body conversion done going. Take a seat, Miss Dunst, this may take a few months.

Before any gym stuff happens, I’m going to Prague. I leave Saturday. The dog is set to go to lockup on Friday. Everything is aligning. I still need to get some traveller’s cheques and pack some clothes. I am supposed to ferry back some of OktoberNight’s excess baggage. Joy. I fear I will be carrying a massive mound of stuff into the Hertz bus when I return to Philly. I won’t be able to return it until I visit Houston near the end of August, so I assume I will be tasked with transporting The Non-Essentials. I will report here from the Internet cafes in Prague once I arrive on Sunday. Stay tuned.

Going to see T3 tonight with my coworkers. This may serve as a shakedown on what I can and can’t handle liquor-wise when I’m in Prague. Dropping 20 pounds has hella-affected my tolerance, not that I wasn’t already a cheap date before. Do they have light beer in Czech?