25-Jan-2002 Uncategorized

the tequila shot clock

Sitting on plane watching ”Never Been Kissed.” Dude in front of me is totally going over all this strategy stuff for getting into the pants of
Halliburton. He’s using standard ecomm lingo in his little report. Total Cost of Ownership. What the hell does that mean? I remember when
the word Enterprise started getting used to describe a large company. I guess that sounds better than Big Ass Business.

Looking to buy some contemporary furniture. Cantoni Furniture is the front runner although they want way to much for the sectional I want.
10K. And I’m not talking about a 10K earnings report, either. I’ve lowered my sites to a more affordable sofa, love seat and ottoman made
of black leather and support by brush stainless steel. Dude, stainless steel. It makes the flux dispersal work so much better. I make the
journey to cool furniture in two weeks. Stay tuned.

Kitchen to finished. Want to pay my ex-roommate to come back and do slave labor. Would talk about it even more if the plane weren’t
struggling through the turbulance. Ding. Seatbelt light just came on. Dude standing in the huge line back at the airport was all talking
about what pilots plan to do in the event someone else tries to take over their cockpit. Push the stick all the way down quickly and then pull back up
just as fast. This causes anyone on the plane unbuckled to slam into the ceiling and then slam back down into the floor. I like that! Okay,
I’m tightening the seatbelt as I type this.

”Don’t touch the hydrogen. It’s rented!” — Never Been Kissed. Gonna go make a list of stuff to do during the weekend. Go Eagles!

Back. They’re gonna play the 1965 premiere of Gidget again. Right now they’re profiling a 99 year old piano playing chick. When I’m 99 I
plan to be living on the moon and takign blood transfusions from my clone who I’ll keep locked up in a box labeled ”Backup” — I shall call him
Marky Me.

Guy that runs the storage place where the DeLorean and Batmobile are stored is nice but he occasionally screws up my bill.
I rent two spots and have two accounts as a result. Consolidation is not in his vocabulary, Going to raise hell tomorrow if he doesn’t fix the
discrepency. Either Marty McFly is gonna be throwing a big time fit , or Batman is gonna be kicking some ass.

Decided I am going to start up the ex-files again. This was an endeavor originally suggested by Jerald and OktoberNight, but it seems to have
fallen on the wayside now that they’re in decent relationships. Here we go.