I can’t believe it! I’m finally back in touch with Richard David Noble. You may have read my blog once in a while where I lament my inability to track down one of my greatest friends from high school. Well, that’s all over. Richard’s parents apparently found my web site somehow, so they put him in touch with me and the rest is history. I have a photo that I’ll append to this entry when I get home tonight, so we’ll do a little Before and After comparison. The kicker I’m hearing now is that his brother apparently lives down the street from me just four blocks away. Trip! Anyway, I skipped out on going to Nocturne so I could catch up with The Rich. Now that I’ve finally tracked him down we’ve got some serious party / hell-raising / crazy antics catching up to do. Don’t even get me started on the laws that will soon be broken.

And now, the pilot episode of Quark. This is a temporary copy however — I have a better version that I’ll scan in as soon as I can find a VCR that can play something in LP mode. Apparently LP mode has fallen on the wayside of VCR compatibility requirements. How quaint.
quark_richard.benjamin.e1.pilot.wmv 274MB (WindowsMedia)