Talked to my bank yesterday and was kinda-sorta assured that the manager would look into my gift cheque signing debacle ”as soon as she came back from vacation.” Right. I should be back in Houston by that time. They don’t want me to bring my mom down there, trust me. Have you ever heard of a nurse that wasn’t grouchy? I didn’t think so.
Funny thing happened on my flight back into Philadelphia. Checked in for my flight *exactly* 24 hours early. Seat 7D. I took my seat once boarding began. Shortly thereafter, a family came up and one of them said I was in their seat. Could the Super Genius be wrong? No way! I looked at their ticket fully expecting to see the wrong date or flight number. But no. Flight, seat, and date were all correct. What the? I hit the attendant button and let the family settle in. Turns out I was upgraded to first class. Sounded good to me. I said goodbye to the girl who was originally sitting across from me. I won’t miss her — she called me ”Sir” when she sat down. Pfft. In first class I watched ”Catwoman” and had the chicken pasta meal. That movie wasn’t bad at all. A little cheesy here and there, but overall very slick. A friend pointed out that it is extremely rare to see a really good female superhero movie. ”Electra” is up for the title next. We’ll see.
My Matrix Phone is on its way for repairs in Plano, Texas. Or as I call it: Plain O’ Texas. This is the opposite of Really Complicated Texas. You don’t want to go there, trust me. They have to do a long division math problem before they’ll let you pass the toll booth.
I’m selling my Old City Philadelphia apartment goodies on CraigsList for cheap. Buy my stuff. I only want to travel with clothes, my computer and its components, my various small junk items (toiletries, wires, and gadget pieces) and (of course) my dog. No, the dog is not for sale. Yes, people have asked. Durh.