31-Mar-2003 Uncategorized

the apple core

Went to see ”The Core” on Sunday while Chew Chew got The Treatment at the Cherry Hill, NJ Petsmart. This time he got his teeth brushed after enjoying oatmeal-based shampooing. He was deemed “the best basset” ever to come through their grooming facilities. My review of ”The Core” does not involve the words best, best of, good, or even okay. It was boring. I don’t really like Hillary Swank, or at least the character she was portraying was boring. This movie desperately wanted to be an Armageddon, but instead it came off as future fodder for Mystery Science Theater 3000. One-time see. After 90 minutes I was praying for the end of the film to come. Thankfully shortly thereafter it was all over and I made a dash out into the parking lot where a sleet storm was waiting to pelt me on the head.

This past week I’ve been trying to establish that if you could take a step back and realize where most of your views and opinions come from, you’d be left with The Media. The Media love to piss you off. They love to make you angry and stroke your emotions. You will want more from the media as a result. Getting unbiased uneditorialized news is next to impossible. The Accuracy In Media web site makes a noble attempt to report on all the missing holes. Unfortunately, they end up sounding very right-wing and conservative as a result of their attempts to fill in the other side of the news.

Before I forget, I got extended to stay here until May 2, 2003. My return to H-Town is slightly delayed. After then I’ll be back to let ex-girlfriend’s ex-girlfriends stalk me at goth nightclubs. Nice.