The photo to the left is of my friend Oktober. I have three rolls of film just like this (minus the special effects). I bought a flatbed
scanner a month ago and my laptop doesn’t like it. Any other computer, however, does like it. I still haven’t bought a new machine yet.
This nice girl I know from work won a Sony desktop just like I want. If she needs any help hooking it up, I’m there. The company
Christmas party has always bestowed neat gifts upon the employees for as long as I’ve been there. So far out of three Christmas parties,
I’m still zero for three. Bleah. Maybe 2001 will be my year to win. Funny thing — our company photographer won a camera. Fix!
Let’s see. Where was I? Seems like my group of friends who keep up logs and I are all getting caught up in the business of the holidays.
Shopping. Hoping someone will buy us stuff. Wondering if we should buy other people stuff. Hoping other people don’t want us to
buy them stuff so we don’t have to buy them stuff. Vice versa. Versa Vice-uh. Visa Visa. Discover Discover.
So, Bush won. And the economy has been slumping for the last few months. Wondering if they’ll try to pass the blame of that onto
W. I really like that he’s the pres. It’s easy to do impressions. Friend at work found this site with hilarious impressions from
the election drama. I am starting to do W. impressions now. Thought up a new term to describe what happened when I got kicked out of
my office last month. I was having a Gore Moment.
Need to catch up on the movies. Found a sneak preview pass a few weeks ago for The Grinch and just barely got to the theater
in time. Droves of people were walking away, pissed. One stopped me and said, "Too late now! They’ll all full in there."
Ha. I saw it as a challenge. I went straight in and walked past a couple of people who were turning folks away. "Just
coming back in" worked for me yet again. Check out my October Blog for the last time I used
those words to my advantage. So, I found a
seat next to a big ol’ family — on the aisle! Could barely hear the audio as this theater is fairly old. It is the Loew’s Memorial City theater
here in Houston. It sucks. The chairs squeak. The management there likes to turn off the air conditioner during the last half
hour of the last movie. Jerks. One of the best things at that entire mall is the exit.
Strength and honor!