09-Jan-2005 Uncategorized

remember when milf was a typo?

I’m sitting on my bed using my laptop. My dog is in his newly procured from Petsmart doggy bed. To his right are six new chew bones and a rope-doll combination toy (it looks hideous but he likes it). My room is an enormous mess. I’m going to find a photo of me from 1974-ish where I’m sitting in the middle of my old bedroom with a big smile on my face. My room looked like it had been burglarized numerous times. Vinyl records on the floor, clothes everywhere, toys all over the place. I’m feeling like that. Right now my critical need is to get over the sentimental connection that I have with some of this junk. My old out of style clothes, for one thing. Do I need this Genesis Invisible Touch tour t-shirt anymore? Should I eBay it or donate it? Everyone was telling me to donate my stuff from Philly before I left in lieu of the CraigsList.org path, but I was like, uh… they never give you money at the donation place — just that little tax write-off thing. I want cash!

I’ll briefly touch upon The Ride now that I’m back. It took 27 hours hours to return. That’s a long, long time. I love the new GPS, however. As soon as I can reduce my stuff, I’m going to get a mounting bracked to hold my laptop in my car so I can drive to faraway places (like North Houston) and not get lost. There were no near accidents on the way back. The tires held steady. I did not go stir crazy. I did blow out my cigarette lighter fuse when I was trying to use this power-adapter thingy from Best Buy. Dang — that’s another thing I need to track down and find. It’s best to return something that blows out your cigarette lighter fuse. Gotta have that cigarette lighter at the ready. You never know when someone will need something set on fire.