Friday night I had some friends over to hang out in the city. First, we hit up some Northern Liberties bars — The 700 Club and The Standard Tap to be specific. Good times, but like the U2 song says, they just didn’t have what we were looking for. We headed south towards Market and, I believe, went straight to The Plough. It has a longer name, but we just call it The Plough, or Plough for short. No, I’m not going to tell you the longer name. No, I don’t remember it. Something like Plough and the Stars or something. Did I mention that I began my evening by drinking two Stoli martinis with some apple liquor thrown in for fun? Beer is my friend. Stoli is my enemy. I have to remember that. Perhaps a tattoo is in order. I was fine for that night, even meeting a really smart and pretty girl named Sue and getting her email address, but the next day turned into Trauma Central 101. I had a headache. I got sick. I slept for hours and hours during the day. I couldn’t eat. At around 6 PM, I was finally able to keep down a pickle. No pickle jokes, please. At 7 PM, I figured I was safe to try something bland, so I hopped into the car and drove to Cherry Hill, NJ to see THE FANTASTIC FOUR and eat a Nacho Grande! Mmmm. The large Diet Coke was Nacho Grande’s friend last night. The movie, while technically faithful to the color and tone of the comic, didn’t seem to translate well to the screen. The comic itself is a bit campy, however, so this was probably to be expected. Stan Lee had a little cameo as the mailman and was looking very Mr. McSpeedy Delivery. I do want to see this film again, although I’ll wait for the DVD. Bring it on. BEWITCHED and DARK WATER were sold out when I bought my tickets, so maybe there’s something else to see later on. My next film will be in Houston on Friday when I see CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY with my dad.
I’m off to Silk City for some food. I’ll post more time warp blog entries when I return. I feel drawn toward IKEA today, though, so you may have to take a breather.