Four coworkers and myself traveled to King of Prussia, PA to see ”Matrix Reloaded” on the IMAX. We briefly visited the Champs restaurant and bar. Good looking crowd for the most part (i.e. ”good looking crowd” is what I say… ”hot chicks abounded” is what I thought). This was my first experience at seeing the new processing done to normal film that allowed it to be properly shown at the IMAX. It was amazing! So sharp. So clear. They got the aspect ratio to almost match up with the IMAX screen (just some minor unused screen area at the top and bottom). What a great way to watch a movie! I am ready to go see it there again. When will T3 get this treatment? Lord of the Rings? Back to the Future? Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
The weekend has also come and gone. I don’t recall doing anything of consequence on Friday night. Saturday I went to Buddahfest 6 which was held at a little pub off 15th and South. Fellow coworkers and I imbibed and listened to the bands play. We then proceeded to The Ministry of Information. I’d never been there, but I had visions of high tech coolness. It was located in Northern Liberties — one of the many sub-areas of downtown Philly which itself is called Center City. We came to the corner of our destination and I remarked that the pub with chain link fence on the windows was so ghetto. It couldn’t have been the Star Trek-esque Ministry of Information that I had imagined. Wrong. We went in. Total dive. I didn’t have to stay there long. We eventually found our way back to Silk City diner and had a snack before taking cabs back to our respective homes and/or cars. On Sunday I had a splitting headache for most of the day and didn’t accomplish anything outside of whining about aforementioned headache and wondering aloud how quickly the Tylenol gelcaps dissolve in my belly.