09-May-2001 Uncategorized

perpetual motion

Went to car dealership during lunch on Monday and dropped off my car for aforementioned repairs. Enterprise Rent-A-Car on I-45 at the
DeMontrond Buick/Kia dealership picked me up. When I got there they only had three cars, all of which were over 80 dollars a day.
I asked the guy if he thought I was getting a good deal. He said, ”I don’t
understand the question.” My response: ”Exactly.” Evil rent-a-car guy didn’t offer to knock down the price on any of the cars, either.
”Tough s**t, sir, we only have three cars left and they are 80 dollars a day.” I called a cab in open defiance to their renting technique
and, after waiting for what seemed an eternity (45 minutes), I was able to get back to work.
Cost for the cab? $40. A friend at work drove me home that evening. On Tuesday morning I called the Enterprise Rent-A-Car by my house
to pick me up. I’ve had good luck with them in the past.
They told me they would pick me up when the economy car I was waiting on showed up at 9. Instead, it showed up at 11. Got to work at noon.
A meeting I was never scheduled to attend happened and people were pissed they couldn’t just grab me and pull me in. I checked the battery
on my phone. Still worked. Hmmmm. Voicemail? No. Missed calls? No. Hmmmm. Am I being a smart ass now? No. Upon arrival
I realized I was in the elevator with the same client that I’d missed the meeting with so I introduced myself and chatted up about how great
the product was he was looking at, gave him my card, and said goodbye. The same people upset that I wasn’t around to talk earlier were upset I
talked later. Is something wrong with this picture? Does the Pope wear a big ass hat?

On a lighter note, I twisted my leg while I was asleep last night and woke up with a body numbing twisted muscle in my right calf. I was
just stretching in my sleep and then wham. My massage therapist said to ice it down. My mom (a nurse) said to put heat on it. I wound up
shorting out my heating pad with a rapidly melting bag of ice.

Bought Superman: The Movie, Charlie’s Angels, and Brazil on DVD. Watched Superman DVD once through as it was intended.
Watched it again with the director/writer commentary audio. Found out they filmed all of Superman: The Movie and 70% of Superman II at
the same time. Tons of scenes with Marlon Brando were never used. The end to Superman II was used as the end to Superman I
because they were worried The Movie wouldn’t have as good an ending. In my opinion,
everything turned out great, but the drama of how difficult it was to make these movies is fascinating. I’ve always intended to
become a filmmaker one day. Adding to the saga of Superman would be a nice way to kick things off. Right now I’m writing a serious treatment
for Back to the Future 4. I’ve come up with a great way to continue the series for at least one more film. Want to get it done in case I get
to pitch during any of the film premieres I hope to attend this summer. I basically come up with a scenario and resolve how it could happen
on the treatment. I’ll then string these together with a coherent plotline, add some room for character development, and bam! Blockbuster
movie. I want to add a scene where N’Sync and The Backstreet Boys get into a street brawl and die horrible deaths.
It’s either that or a girl-girl makeout scene between Christina Aguillera and Britney Spears on the hood of the DeLorean.
For art, I will suffer.