
something’s gotta give

Just got back from seeing ”Somethings Gotta Give.” It was good. It was original. Don’t see it alone, however. Definitely a date flick. I had other issues on my mind that hampered my enjoyment. What issues? Well, let’s just say that the question of the hour is: Should I buy anyone anything for the holidays […]


welcome to some hick’s blog

I was feeling bored tonight and thought I’d check on my site stats. I was surprised to find myself linked by some chump who had this to say: In other news today, if you do a google search for "Miserable Failure," guess what the top result is? A link to George W Bush’s biography. Make […]


coming soon: the second to last samurai

Still at home. Decided I needed a desk and chair to get work done. Previously I’d work from my bed and use the projector on the wall as my screen. This works fine for short intervals. On the 8th day in a row, however, it blows. Staples had an awesome desk for $69. Very Bill […]


libyan connection

I was going over some old Microsoft Word files I have in my archives. I wrote a poem a few years ago based on the point of view of the Libyans who caused all that trouble for Marty in the original ”Back to the Future.” Now, I realize joking about terrorists is still somewhat taboo, […]



I’ve received some unusual emails over the last five years as webmaster of MarkWahlberg.com. Most of the email is spam. Maybe 5% is fan mail. I give those people the talent agency address where mail can be sent. I may forward less than 0.5% to either Mark’s manager or to his brother. But the email […]


bad timing

It was Thanksgiving and my dad bought our meal from the local Luby’s. okBlasphemy? Nah. I spent the better part of the day with the parents and did my ILOVEMYMOM&DAD bonding. I saw ”Haunted Mansion” that night with the dad. Our original intent was to see ”Bad Santa” but apparently 4000 other people already had […]



Got distracted although I meant to post a decent blog entry. What distracted me? This Japan FAQ Site. That, and I was searching for some kind of garage shelf product that you can park your car under. Haven’t found that one yet. I’m back to the City of Brotherly Love tonight. See ya later, turkeys.


houston calling

I’m sitting at my old wooden desk typing on my fourth choice PC. My first, second and third choice machines are in Philly. The fourth choice machine is fairly old, although it does have XP Professional on it. I’m not suffering terribly. I just came back from doing a little exploratory surgery on the garage […]


i have seen the paris hilton video

Not impressed. I’ve seen better footage on Showtime After Dark. Good times. Not a big fan of NightVision recording. Turn on the lights, for crying out loud. Pamela and Tommy Lee knew a thing or two about proper illumination. My regular glasses lost a screw recently. I have both prescription sunglasses and contacts as a […]



I am in the process of redesigning the site and you may notice a few glitches here and there while I rearrange things. The world is my quality assurance team. I am putting my movies in their own section, separating them from my photography. You may note that a few things not related to either […]