
life in philly

I’ve been working 10 hour days since last week including weekends and I’m starting to feel trapped in an infinite loop. We are testing and retesting the application that I’ve been working on since May that will support the client’s new initiatives. It’s been fun learning new things and also training new developers on the […]


nearly finalized redesign

I’ve got a lot of updates to post when I get home tonight, but for the time being, click here to see the (nearly) finalized redesign for MarkShields.com. Get your checkbooks ready!


hung up

I just pre-ordered an album for the first time on iTunes. It’s Madonna’s latest and it drops next week. That’s music distribution terminology. I’m fascinated by how Madonna is transforming herself once again. And, yeah, I’ll admit it… I’ve got a crush on Madonna. I think it was that winking at me thing she did […]


mist opportunity

The SEPTA strike is over as of yesterday. Governor Ed Rendell sat down with union and management at 8 PM Sunday night and didn’t emerge until 5:30 AM the next morning. My dog was at the kennel so I took it slow that morning. Upon realizing that my ass was going to be late, I […]


50th anniversery of time travel

Fifty years ago today on November 5, 1955, Doctor Emmott L. Brown was hanging a clock above his toilet. He unexpectedly slipped and fell, thus hitting his head in the process. When he woke up he had a revelation. A vision in his head of what he would later call the flux capacitor. This revolutionary […]


my favorite pillow goes national

Rest Your Head on a Small Ecosystem. Read this article that I interviewed for and freak out. I’m really interested to see which newspapers pick up the story for their Sunday editions. We shall see.


walk in the city

Last night featured walking nearly five miles as I ran (literally) to the station in the morning, then walked back home at a leisurely pace in the evening, then ran to the gym, and finally ran back home for the final time. I rarely listen to my iPod while I’m doing all of this walking […]


septa strikes out

This morning SEPTA went on strike due to a labor union dispute. It means that I have to walk from 2nd and Spring Garden to 11th and Market. This isn’t too bad. The SEPTA Regional Rail service is still operating and will take me to Ft. Washington. Once there, however, I’m on my own to […]


the past revisited

A few interesting things happening in the last few days. I was interviewed by Dru Sefton, a correspondent for Newhouse News Service. The Topic? My Favorite Pillow, a blog entry I made a couple of years ago about my nineteen year old pillow and how I was finally giving it up. It’s a little bizarre […]


john the revelator

Depeche Mode is baaaack. I’m really impressed by their new album. So impressed, in fact, that I’m going to post the lyrics for a cover they’re doing of John the Revelator. I’ve heard the blues song John The Revelator covered many times before, although this appears to be a new work based on the same […]