15-Mar-2001 Uncategorized

next on hbo

Sitting in a hotel in Florida. Noisy ass high school kids in the hall way are shouting goodnights and goodbyes to each other.
Spring break. I didn’t consider the chance I’d get caught up in this. Towel under the door not muffling the bantering.
Turning up the HBO to ignore it. Eastern Daylight Time is also very wicked. You think you’re an hour ahead,
you’re not. The news, the traffic, life in general… it all happens at the same time it does in Houston,
only they think it’s an hour later. This is some kind of weird conspiracy. I was thinking earlier about the
North Pole. What time is it there? If you walk in a circle around the pole, do you visit all 24 time zones as you complete
the circle? I shouldn’t think so hard.

Business here kicks ass. Client is fun to work with and I like to make their site cool. Have had new projects come up in
the process so I’ll be a busy worker bee for quite a while. I am happy to bring more business to my company in the midst of
this difficult business period. I do not make any guesses about how things will pan out. Things may bounce back to the insane
good times of 1999. Or they may crash to the bad times of the late 70’s. I vaguely remember all that Jimmy Carter era
stuff as I was only a pre-teen spaz.

Things are going pretty well with the exception of my ankles. If you haven’t
already heard the story I’ve told a thousand times: I was fixing a leaky pipe in my parent’s attic and fell through the
ceiling when I stepped on a poorly reinforced joist. Joist = wood beam. Both ankles were severely sprained. Even now,
30 days later, I am still no where near recovered. I have been wrapping my feet up in ACE bandages and attempting to walk.
Poorly. Some wanker driving way too fast looked like he was going to plow into me while I was
crossing the street after lunch today. Panicked, I thought I’d better try to run and avoid inevitable death.
I took two quick steps and the
pain was excrutiating. Ugh! I was in SUPER pain. Mondo. Mega. Mega Mega. I am definitely messed up in the feet. I hate it.
I want to run and leap and
jump. Coincidentally, I sort of feel like dating and falling in love is impossible while I am paralyzed like this.
Sucks. Must not get depressed. Oh… the car did wind up slowing down. Lucky me. Bastard guy in the car.
Wish I could have thrown a brick at him.
Didn’t have a brick handy. Need to remember to carry a brick in my bag.

Watching some freak show called ”Sex Bytes ’97” on HBO right now. They are showing people with wrestling fetishes. Guy and girl on the
wrestling mat and totally beating the hell out of each other. Lot of sensual stuff going on as well. Freaks. I could
see some minor degree of wrestling going on, but these people are ON A REAL WRESTLING RING! Hello? Get a king sized
bed, folks. Hey, wait. I have a king sized bed. Wanna wrestle? Mind the feetsies, please.

Happiness is a returned smile.