I’m joking around there with the title of this blog entry. I’ve been anxiously awaiting Wil Wheaton’s next book ”Just a Geek” to come out. I assume it will be autobiographical and contain lots of cool little Star Trek anecdotes and that I’ll read it wishing I was really the actor who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek and how I’d have done things differently. Hmmm. You know what? That would never happen. I’m not Wil Wheaton’s doppledanger. As much as I wish I could be the next Zak Branff (or however you spell his name) from Scrubs, I’m still me. Of course, if there was a way for me to manipulate the space time continuum so I could make my dreams of uber-stardom come true, I’d probably take a crack at it. Of course, I’ll need to make sure my time machine doesn’t overheat while I’m messing around with human history. You should check out The Adventures of Seinfeld and Superman as they address the idiosyncracies of flying around the world and going backwards in time to fix things. That, and there’s some funny banter at the deli.