Had a rough leg workout this morning although, like a trooper, I forged onward and did as I was told. I suspect I will be limping around in the next few days as a result. The last time I did legs was around four weeks ago and, despite mucho pain, I canvassed Northern Liberties later the same day trying to find a place to stay instead of at the hotel (too expensive) or at friend’s house (too intrusive) or on the street (too streety). I’m working out twice a week with a few bouts of cardio here and there. Trying to increase my protein intake to improve my muscle mass.
My work week has also been very intensive with a few twelve hours days here and there which affects the intake of the protein. I’m working around that by acquiring multiple Detour protein bars. You know you want one.
I figured out a way to park for free at the Holiday Inn. They gave me a green hanging tag when I asked for cheap parking. It’s not blatantly obvious that it has since expired and I’m no longer a resident. I still park there on occasion and play ”I Live At The Hotel” guy. I know I’m gonna get the express elevator to hell someday.