16-Oct-2005 Uncategorized

houston rockets 1994

In honor of the Astros doing so well in the playoffs today, I thought I’d revisit another Houston sports team that did well in the past. The Houston Rockets used to practice at my college and since I was chief photographer there I was able to take pictures at will. Here’s a photo I took in 1994 of players Sam Cassell and Vernon Maxwell. Sam is administering the choking on Vernon. How often do you get to see one guy balancing on another guy’s neck? You may recall that Vernon wasn’t exactly a darling with the press back then thanks to getting in a fight with a fan only weeks earlier. I’ve also posted my contact sheets for the entire photo shoot. Just click on the thumb and the contact sheet will open a new window. Clyde Drexler, Hakeem Olajuwan, Sam and Vernon and other teammates are all present. Essentially you’ll see the team signing balls at a table followed by some practice with the occasional bout of horseplay.

1994 Houston Rockets Champion Basketball Team Practice Photos 1994 Houston Rockets Champion Basketball Team Practice Photos 1994 Houston Rockets Champion Basketball Team Practice Photos
