25-Jan-2006 Uncategorized

google adsense rocks

I actually have a different blog article that’s still in draft that I was working on last night, but in the meantime — I was checking on my Google Adsense statistics today and was quite happy to see that this site has been doing really well. Check out these statistics and earnings compared to the other sites that I’m running.

MarkShields.com: 44,056 impressions, 465 clicks, $65.41 earnings
TheRealWorldAustin.com: 64,449 impressions, 215 clicks, $20.39 earnings
MarkWahlberg.com: 92,729 impressions, 80 clicks, $15.76 earnings
TheRealWorldPhilly Gallery: 11,834 impressions, 28 clicks, $8.41 earnings
MarkWahlberg.com Old Forum: 3,490 impressions, 9 clicks, $1.78 earnings
TheRealWorldPhilly Forum: 2,148 impressions, 9 clicks, $1.73 earnings
Quark.name: 243 impressions, 3 clicks, $0.08 earnings
QueryLetters.net: 10 impressions, 0 clicks, $0.00 earnings
$113.57 total earnings for January 1 thru 25, 2006

The MarkWahlberg ads are just keywords that show up on the top of the page, so there’s a slight difference in how those are presented. I’m sure if I put the full-on big banners that it would perform better. I want to keep the ads on there low-profile and unobtrusive, so there’s my disclaimer on that.

I really enjoy the Google Adsense program and it’s so easy to implement. They do all the hard work for you, practically. Direct deposit transfers and the whole works. It costs nothing to sign up and their terms of service are very easy to follow. Anyway, yeah, I’m ranting about how great they are. If you have a site without it you’ve got to at least check this out.