09-Apr-2001 Uncategorized

cold hearted orb that rules the night

Leaving for Florida in the morning. Taking on the project from hell. I refuse to accept that, however. Whenever someone says something like that,
it’s because someone somewhere couldn’t hack it. Going to pull a Bill Clinton on this one and come from behind to win. Hey, stop thinking dirty.
As usual, my dad will be living in my house while I’m out to feed my dog and clean my guns. Good thing he doesn’t have to work this week.

Coming back on Wednesday to see the Moody Blues. I’ve got tickets for front row in the pit. Not familiar with the Blues? Go to Napster and download
”Knights in White Satin” and your memory will be jogged. They are classic 60s and 70s. Considering going to the Tom Petty show next month, but of course,
the seats have to be pit. I’ve been spoiled by an addiction to proximity.

Trying to watch the show Sheena without laughing. The show is a joke. One of the guys on the show wears an obvious ripoff of the Indiana Jones hat. It’s like
BayWatch only in the jungle. What they ought to do is film it here in my house. I’m ready if they are.

This girl has a very healthy addiction to the DeLorean. I’m hoping that’s
her dad in that picture. I don’t seem to have any pictures of me and my dad with his arm wrapped around me. Anyway, she is welcome to come to my house
and help me film episodes of Sheena. I get to wear the Indiana Jones hat and act like a bad ass, however.