Sorry for the stale blog. Been working like a madman as of late. My machine is doing a rebuild now so I have a few moments. Rebuild means I’m running my java compiler, not that I am instructing helper cells in my body to fix a scratch I got from walking into the elevator before the door completely opened. I hate it when I do that! My dog, however, couldn’t possibly care. If he knocks into the door, he will step aside and pretend like it didn’t happen. He’s cool like that.
Tonight I am going to see ”The Matrix: Reloaded” at 10 P.M. I am as giddy as a schoolgirl! The review by internet critic Harry Knowles posted this morning on seems to indicate that he was let down, but leads me to believe that this movie will entertain me regardless. My good friend and fellow Matrix fan Martina, who sits in the cube next to me, has an article up on her laptop that talks about how albinos are pissed that the Matrix is casting them as villains. A Warner Bros. spokesman was quick to snap at the reporter that suggested the characters were albino. ”They are NOT albino! They have black lips and dark eyebrows!” The reporter then countered that other papers have been calling the characters albino. The spokesman fired back, ”They are DEAD. That’s why they are pale.” This reminds me of the same reporters who tryed to stir up some controversy when Star Wars: Episode I came out. They suggested that the accents of some characters were culturally offensive. Reports suggested that Jar Jar sounded African, some of the bad guy aliens sound Japanese, and that Annakin’s owner sounded Jewish. I don’t recall the exact response from the LucasFilm, but it was something like, “This is the Star Wars universe. Hellooooo?”
I turned in my Saab two weeks ago and I’m glad to be free of it. I had to pay for maintenance and insurance which was very annoying. I got the car because I wanted to keep my travel expenses low and had no intention of buying it. In lieu of visiting Hertz everytime I came and left, it worked out OK. I wouldn’t do it again, however, as leasing a car is way too close to almost buying it. It would be cheaper to have my own car shipped out here instead. Of course that would make driving in Houston a problem. I think I need a spare car. I came thisclose to buying the Family Truckster from National Lampoon’s Vacation. The real one, not a replica. Hey, I need the trunkspace, okay, and I hear the Dead Aunt Edna option can be removed if I need the extra cargo space. How nice would that be? Don’t believe me?