Even though I’m staying at a Holiday Inn with free wireless internet access, I haven’t had any internet goodness for a long time. My bed also had a crack in the frame which gave it an annoying dip. After minor begging and crying, the staff finally agreed to move me from the 7th floor to the 5th floor right across from the elevator. Apparently the elevator is the secret location for the wireless transmitter. The signal in my new room is crazy strong, and the bed is crazy flat. This room is designed for older folks as it has a lot of extra space, extra handles on walls, and an extra weird shower stall. I’m looking forward to using that, actually. It took me all of 10 minutes to move out of the old and into the new. Expect more updates.
I have to return to Houston late Tuesday the 28th so that on Wednesday the 29th I can make my 6 PM court appearance. Sucks! I moved my LasikPlus appointment to that day, as well. It’ll be three months since I went under the LASIK knife for my treatment. I’m very comfortable with the new eyes. My right eye is slightly off (maybe 20/30 or 20/40) and my left eye is sharp as a tack (20/20 at least). I hope I’ll get to have the right eye adjusted again so The Bionic Eye can return. I see a lot better in darker conditions that I did before. Halos and starbursts at night aren’t really as distressing as they once were. I don’t think they’ve really dissipated but the giant degree of change my eyes went through so I could see without assistance generally causes the effect. I don’t really care. At this point it has only been 70 days so it’s still way too early for me to figure this is permanent. I love being able to see when I wake up. I love not having to keep track of glasses. I swear I was losing my glasses all the time. Now I can get lost in the woods and fall down and not get trapped and die from exposure to the elements. Good to know. The reason why I’m only staying for the one day is that I want to return to Philadelphia and get ready for Live Eight. The price is right (free).
All is going well with the client. I love the project and expanding my skillz and magic programming powerz. It’s good. It isn’t as hot as it would be if I were still in Houston, so bonus. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then a mile on the treadmill with a 10 degree pitch. Nice. Girls at the gym