21-Jun-2005 Uncategorized

batman memories

Last Wednesday night, I visited the IMAX in King of Prussia to see BATMAN BEGINS. The quickie review? Loved it! The one thing that bothered me was the fact that the director of photography chose to film nearly all of the fight sequences in a tight close-up. Other than that — the direction, design, acting… practically everything is right on the mark and quite entertaining. This is a movie about Batman and the other characters are the supporting players. That’s a new take on things. Even though the film didn’t do the boffo box office that the studio was hoping for, I pray that they’ll make a couple of sequels using the same team. So, go see it and thank me later.

On Thursday, I was granted the honor of hosting QueenBeth once again in Philly. There were no front row Madonna shows this time around, but I think we did okay. On Thursday we made a valiant attempt to watch the first episode of Wonder Woman: Season 3. My brain was hurting for sleep, so I couldn’t make it all the way through. Either that or I can’t stand any show which features Leif Garret in a primary role. Friday night brought on Cuban food at El Cuba Libre and then onward to The Bridge Theater off 40th to see BATMAN BEGINS once again. Loved it the second time, too. Take the hint. The next day it was off to South Street and Famous’ deli for lunch. That evening we hopped on an Amtrak train heading for New York and visited a wax museum and a Broadway show. What Broadway show, you ask? Monty Python’s Spamalot. Tim Curry. David Hyde-Pierce. Not bad a bad cast, if you ask me. I was thoroughly entertained by the additional magic they’d created. If you have the means, I highly recommend the Spamalot. Took the night train back into Philly and Beth was off the next morning to here next adventure in Boston. On a boat. I hope that’s fun.

Speaking of boats, I *just* heard one of those Real American Genius Bud Lite commercials on the radio this morning. Today’s featured genius was Mr. Afraid of the Ocean guy. Now, I’m not saying that I’m afraid of the ocean, but the fact that you can drown in it kind of puts a damper on things for me. I’ll stick to terra firma, thank you very much.