Pissed. This is the second time I’m typing this.
Plane arrived at 8 PM on Friday. Dad drove me home. Dad rules. Got home and went through bag of mail. Spam. Bills. Bling. Not enough bling. Remembered box of blue black hair dye I bought last year. Found it. Dyed hair blue-black after deciding, ”What the hell.” Drove to Number’s Nightclub dressed in black (as usual). Chatted with old friends, listened to hardcore 80’s tunes and drank fine champagne. Err. Heinekin. Hung out til’ 3 AM then drove home. Got mud on boots during walk to car. Must remember to take alternate route.
Played basketball with friends at the Jersey Village park basketball court. Park has some other name, but I’m still calling it the JV park. Bleah. Got beaten three times. Must practice. Friends agreed to meet again to play another game soon… hopefully when I return in two weeks.
Drove Corvette around later on after finally cracking the ”battery won’t start car” issue. My solution was to put the battery on a charger for three weeks. Problem solved. Took Corvette to Touchless Car Wash place for severely needed cleaning. Water splashes up on me even though window is closed. Woo. Cold water = good. Drove car amid usual stares and open mouthed gaping of fellow drivers. Put car back in storage and draped it in it’s cover (which I’d never used before).
Not sure what plans for evening are. Hoping to do something. Evening at Chuck E. Cheese is my least likeliest choice.