18-Aug-2003 Uncategorized

again here we go…

Because it has been too long since we played…

Ask Your CoWorker

Today’s Question: ”What did you do during the blackout?”

”Wasn’t that the name of a Steven Seagal movie?”

”Though I’m embarassed to admit it… Self love.”

”I was stuck in the elevator between the 28th and 29th floor… with the FEDEX guy.”

”I played Quake 3 against myself. I kicked my own ass, like, 5 times.”

”There was a blackout?”

”Why? What have you heard? Did you hear something? Come on, who told you?”

”I sang the entire sountrack to Phantom of the Opera. Here, let me demonstrate.”

”Ohhhh! So that’s why I couldn’t see anything!”

”I was so mad! I was in the middle of sorting my silverwear by atomic weight. Now I have to start all over!”

”I listened to Wham! on my portable CD. What the hell did you think I did?”