I don’t know if I’ve ever worked this much in 6 days… ever! Okay, well, there was this one time when I had to grade two weeks of papers for my 7th grade Biology class. I was having grading paper nightmares for weeks thereafter. I was twitching also, but I think that was just me. I am thisclose to launching three sites for the project I’ve been working on since March. Two more sites launch shortly thereafter plus a few other spin-offs at year’s end. I’m the Technical Lead for the project, so I’m putting in extra super genius time and effort to make sure our kick ass code is pushed live and without a hitch. I’ve worked with the director and VP that I’m reporting to for the last five years so it’s just like old times. This is our third ”once-in-a-lifetime” project. I’m still quite pleased even though I used up a beautiful Saturday in Minneapolis working at the office. My work is so fun for me. That totally prevents me from going crazy or insane. Beer also helps. Mmmmm. Beer.
I got home around midnight tonight and immediately walked Chewsterama around the block. He’s been slightly annoyed by the aforementioned 85 hours. I met two girls while I was walking on Lake Street while rounding the block. Jessie and Nicole. Me likey the Jessie. Nicole was nice. Ummm. ๐ There was some Russian dude there already so I can see that my competition is already predetermined. Bleah. I don’t care. I’ve still got to get this project launched before I can have my life back. Is there really a fourth-in-a-lifetime project around the corner?
I got a Yahoo blog alert that my old high school friend Carl Manning and his wife Kristin are having their second baby on Monday. It’s been exciting following the pregnancy. The internets! YAH!!!! They’ve got 3D photos of their adorable unborn son posted on their blogspot site. 3D ultrasound is so cool! I wonder what’s inside of me that I can look at in 3D? Maybe if I drank a bunch of water and ate some Twizzlers. Hmmm….
This is Gary Numan performing ”Are Friends Electric?” at the show my ex-girlfriend Christina and I attended in Minneapolis.