26-Jun-2003 Uncategorized

4*((2*ithinkimturningjapanese) + (ireallythinkso))

Got the apartment. Now I’m evaluating if I could mentally handle flying to Houston and then driving my car 1342 miles back to Philly so I can resolve my car lease issue. I wouldn’t have a car I could drive while I was in Houston, but maybe I can work it out to where I’d rent a car during the 1 weekend or so a month when I’m home. Decisions, decision. It would be way cool if the car had a “Shrink Car 5000%” button.

I am getting stoked about Terminator 3 coming out next week. I am not very stoked about Charlies Angels 2, but I’m gonna see it anyway. In the meantime, I have The Animatrix to watch and Enter The Matrix to play. At some point I’m sure I’ll be walking around in a dark alley talking into my Matrix cell phone and mumbling something incoherent about Agents always following me.