It only took me fifteen minutes to get to work this morning. That rarely happens. I stopped by the fabrication place to pick up one of the five DeLorean vents that I’ve had in the works since Thanksgiving break. Click here to view my beautiful aluminum DeLorean vents. Please note that there’s a little work I still need to do: Attachments for three hoses, lowering the deck so it touches the trunk, adjusting for the ”hump” on the back, painting to give it that ”I’ve Traveled Through A Fiery Wormhole” look, etc. I assume I’ll be using some kind of router for the adjusting. My plan is to avoid losing fingers. Last year wasn’t any good for two of my fingers. The other eight feel threatened.
In The Office, I’m working on an auto-repair shop super-hybrid application that is way heavy .NET laden. The project is fun and the timeline is tight, however, so I’m enjoying the work I get to do. Most of that is related to Release Management and Configuration Management. NAnt scripts will do most of the work getting the latest code and compiling. For my hardcode Java geek friends, NAnt is a blatant rip-off of Ant. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’m so into the automation now that I need to write a script that will automate the process of my getting up, letting the dog out, showering, and getting dressed. There are no methods to do this within NAnt. I’m going to Number’s tonight. Maybe I can talk someone into helping out with the showering and getting dressed parts. I think that’ll be how my pickup line will go. ”Hi, would you like to help me shower and get dressed?” My mom tells me that the ladies love that.