Month: October 2007


hairline documented

Two photos from yesterday courtesy of my iPhone. The first is of Samantha taking a swig while waiting for the highlights and lowlights to burn in. The second is of some other salon patrons getting their dye on.



Waiting here at River-something salon as my girlfriend is getting her hair done. Today we are going for some red and dark blonde lowlights to mix in with her default Swedish blonde locks. This is the second time I’ve been here with the first being in mid June. I get my locks chopped at a […]


always sunny

The caramel machiotto from Carribou is not the same as the one from Starbucks. Wow. I’m still coming down from that caffeine high. Dude. Micro brew was what it was. My heart is still pounding and it’s been eight hours. I can see into tomorrow, man. Lordy. My car is out of alignment, the tires […]