Month: May 2007


is this how superman feels?

For some reason my sense of smell today has been so incredible — I’m at a complete loss. I can smell *everything* and it’s completely bizarre. I knew something was amiss when I got into my car this morning and noticed several weird scents. At first I thought I smelled cat pee, but as I […]


the javaone experience

Sitting on my bed at the Raddisson Hotel in Orange County, California and listening to the distant sound of the showers in adjacent rooms. I’ve distinctly heard the soap drop several times in the shower within the room to my right. All this soap dropping reminds me about Paris Hilton and her impending journey to […]


at javaone

Quick update as i’m typing this on my phone. I’m in San Francisco for the JavaOne conference. I have my cameras, so expect something when i return. Sorry this is so short. Super Genius out!