Category: Uncategorized

02-May circa 1996

Thanks to the kind folks at ARCHIVE.ORG, I was finally able to locate a copy of my very first website from 1996. It looks better on a FireFox browser (the background isn’t loading in Internet Exploder, for some reason). I used Notepad and Netscape 3 to test the site, I believe. I’m vaguely recalling that […]


my april 2006 adsense results

Channel Description Page impressions Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM Earnings MARKSHIELDS.COM 79,578 747 0.94% $1.25 $99.39 THEREALWORLDAUSTIN.COM 45,115 61 0.14% $0.27 $12.21 MARKWAHLBERG.COM (Forum) 83,406 72 0.09% $0.10 $8.61 THEREALWORLDPHILLY.COM (Forum) 1,947 7 0.36% $0.84 $1.64 QUARK.NAME 576 11 1.91% $2.14 $1.23 MARKWAHLBERG.COM (Old Forum) 2,908 8 0.28% $0.36 $1.03 ASTROWORLD.CC (Blog) 2,644 8 0.30% […]


Kaavya Viswanathan is a loser

See for yourself. Very disappointing. In other literary news, I’m heading to Philadelphia today and reading The Da Vinci Code during my flights and layover. So far it’s pretty good. I’m imagining Tom Hanks in the lead role since I already know they shot the picture. Anyone a DaVinci Code fan?


rps with farkette’s boyfriend

scissor paper rock fark Here’s a variation on my rock-paper-scissors game that I originally did with Richard Simmons. This time I’m using a PhotoShop challenge image from Enjoy! Select: SCISSOR! PAPER! ROCK! Ready!


ntldr is missing

My ever faithful m280n HP Media Penter PC has died. The harddrive failed so now I can’t boot. I am still tinkering with the idea that there is some kind of hardware issue. If I can’t fix it then the only real problem I foresee is that my iTunes songs and my tax return weren’t […]


lost in german translation

A friend of the Back to the Future community Andreas Winkley has taken all of the parody videos he could get his hands on and translated them to German. Passen Sie auf und genie


super genius podcast episode 3

Click here to watch or download my Astroworld Visit podcast. I call this one ”You Can Never Go Home” which is sort of a contradiction since I do in fact go home to Houston. I do visit Astroworld even though it doesn’t exist. I also visit my old house and elementary school from circa 1970-1978. […]


I need a second job to pay for this

It was either buy this or buy a used car. Geez. Now, the big question is who gets to come with me this time? Hmmm. Event: Madonna Venue: Wachovia Center Philadelphia Date: 07/12/06 @ 8:00 PM Location: Section 3 Row 1 (first row again, baby) Quantity: 2 Total: If my mom found out she would […]


i’m back!

This is my car parked in the middle of a street called Timberside in my old neighborhood. The reference image from the actual movie is below that. This is just the tip of what I managed to take care of. I need to do my taxes today, however, so you’ll have to wait that out.


come on down to south mark

I accomplished a lot of my goals for podcast episode 3 yesterday including visiting Astroworld (or the lack thereof). I’m sitting on the floor in my bedroom killing time at the moment. Earlier, I went to the mall (in the DeLorean, natch) which I left covered in the Willowbrook Mall parking lot. I hit up […]