Month: March 2001


free the beer

There is free beer and pizza here after work. It seems odd that we always seem to have a keg of beer and pizza after a round of layoffs. Kind of like having a celebration that we survived. I heard they are going to have miniature shrunken head bobbing once the beer starts kicking in. […]


bye bye bye

Watching lots of interviews with Jennifer Love Hewitt on the telly. She fine! I like how she’s not a completely traditional beauty. I definitely find myself attracted to girls that are unique and, preferrably, freaky. In a good way. I need that freaky quality to keep up with my own, of course. Okay, if I […]


your friendly neighborhood super genius

Several friends of mine were laid off from where I work. I am now taking a managerial point of view over everyone at my company. Why do bills go unpaid? Is it better to use a cheaply paid inexperienced employee or a higher salaried veteran? Where exactly is this bottom line? Why do people always […]


next on hbo

Sitting in a hotel in Florida. Noisy ass high school kids in the hall way are shouting goodnights and goodbyes to each other. Spring break. I didn’t consider the chance I’d get caught up in this. Towel under the door not muffling the bantering. Turning up the HBO to ignore it. Eastern Daylight Time is […]



I’d like to break from the daily griping that I normally engage in. I’d like to share some insight about certain things in life that I think are very good treasures that you shouldn’t miss out on. We usually fall upon really cool things by accident. It’s not as if you go out someplace thinking […]