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Mark Shields
Super Genius
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get to the beep

2005.08.30 12.20

I've got a lot of friends with SprintPCS that have the long system caller instructions message after their message. I hate this message. I want it to die. Whenever I call someone and hear their voicemail greeting, I dread having to sit through these same intructions yet again. So, if you've got SprintPCS, follow these instructions right now to turn that off. Not only will callers appreciate, but I'll be able to tell you something cool and/or interesting without sounding kvetchy.
  1. Call your VoiceMail
  2. Login (if you have to)
  3. Press * if it starts playing your messages so you can skip to the main menu
  4. Press 3 for personal options
  5. Press 3 for greetings
  6. Press 1 to change main greeting
  7. Press 3 to add or remove the caller instructions
  8. Press 2 to turn off the instructions
That's it.

diddy or not diddy?

2005.08.28 19.56

I'm watching the VMAs. Lots more music this time around. Nothing has happened yet along the lines of Madonna making out with Britney and Christina, but I'm still entertained. Johnny Knoxville has my same potential hairstyle. Hmmm. I think it's time to hit up Style of Man. In other news, I went out last night for my birthday with Kev and did a little bar tour. We spent most of the night at The 700 Club where we met two incredibly hot and way out of our league professional women. Tisha, if you're reading this, here's my email. This is as obvious as I can make it. Well, I guess I could post a video of me pantomime typing in the air and mouthing the words ''email me'' -- but I don't want to scare you off.

goodbye 35, hello 36

2005.08.26 7.45

The numbers are getting impressive as I continue to get older here on Earth. As of tomorrow I'll have rotated around the sun thirty-six times since that fateful Wednesday afternoon in 1969 when I escaped the confines of momma firma. I'm trying to be eloquent, mmmkay? Another anniversery worthy of mention is that I've had a blog up for five years as of August 20, 2005. So, where's my longevity award? Should I be throwing a party? Anyway, this entry has to be short since I need to catch the 8:51 AM train up to Fort Washington. In other news, I'm nearly over my coughing disease thing. One less thing. Bye.

even more diversionary tactics

2005.08.24 19.56

I'm home sick today. I'd been hoping to do some work with Actuate but I ended up drugged out sleeping most of the day. So, since I have nothing more of interest to say, I thought this would be an ideal time to post another edition of Deleted Scenes From Superman The Movie That I Thought Were Cool But Were Not Really Shown... Uhhh... Officially. Riiiiight. In today's sequence, Larry ''I Dream of Jeannie'' Hagman suggests a vigorous chest massage and mouth to mouth are the most appropriate medical responses for the unconscious blonde in the middle of the road. But wait! There's more. Watch the video and you'll see a lot more from Lex Luthor (with Otis screwing up the sabotage of a nuclear warhead) than you'd seen before. They cut the Otis part out so it would be more of surprise and not flat out obvious that he'd screwed up the plan. Okay, now watch.

no more license restrictions

2005.08.23 12.34

My errands before my departure to included hooking up my ancient fax machine so I could get proof of insurance for the day to get my car registration done, renewing my driver's license, replacing a car battery, fixing the garage door, and packing up my Media Center PC and replacing it with my older Sony which I'd leave running in Houston. The highlight was at the driver's license office. This is the same place where in December 1985 that I took my test and got my license to thrill. Right. They removed my Class A restriction which means I don't have to wear glasses or contacts when driving. That's a good thing considering it's impossible for me to do that now that I've got my 20/20 vision going on thanks to LASIK. I ended up not being able to inspect my Eclipse like I'd wanted to, but whatever. Maybe next time? I got on the plane and after only a minor delay we took off. I lucked out and got first class this time around. When I was waiting to get in line some dude didn't think I had first class and started to cut in front of me. I noticed and took a step forward, as if to say Nyah Nyah. The flight was uneventful, but when I got back into Philly some cabbie tried to gyp me into paying straight fare to the neighborhood I'm staying at. I had him turn the cab around and drop me off again. He kept saying he wanted to help me understand that Northern Liberties isn't Center City. I tried to help him understand that whether he turns left or right from Callow Hill, he's still going to have to drive the car three blocks. So it's three blocks north instead of south. Why should I pay him a premium for that? Stupid cabbies. I found a cool guy in the next cab that agreed to take me home for the standard $25 fare. My coughing and hacking only kept me up until 2 AM. Not bad. There's more, I'm sure, but this entry is already as big as my deckfer.

what's a deckfer?

2005.08.23 12.34

I woke up Friday morning realizing that I had to convince my short little dog that he'd need to walk two miles. It didn't turn out to be as daunting as I'd thought. I've been taking a lean number of items to work the last few days including my phone, my iPod. That's it. Light, huh? Along with my dog's 25 foot extension cable (and the dog attached to it), I started heading south on 3rd street at 7:51 AM. By 8:20 AM we'd made it to the Society Hill Vet where he was quickly assessed and checked in. I had to hop into a cab to make the 8:51 AM train. Not a problem. I got into work around 9:30 PM and had the most intense set of interaction possible within a short period of time. I found out that I get to customize Actuate Reporting Server 8. This may sound like a drag, but I'm excited at getting a chance to get familiar with the latest version of something. I asked IT to install a copy on my desktop after I left for the airport. Before I knew it, it was noon and I had to leave for my 12:10 PM departing bus ride back to the train. Once back in Northern Liberties, I went to the Soy Cafe for the Egg White Wrap. Mmmm. It took way too long to prepare, however, so I ended up leaving later than I'd expected. The end result was that Continental had to put me on stand-by for the next flight out. I didn't realize the R1 train to the airport was going to be so much of The Suck. It took nearly an hour to get there. At one point the train stopped, backed up while switching tracks, then painfully began traversing forward again in the direction of the airport. After getting my flight plan worked out, I sat it out and attempted to finish up reading Coupland's Microserfs. Oktobernight gave me the book last year for my birthday. Such a sweetheart! I savor the moments of geekdom that I get to spend with the book, so it's been hard to face the fact that I'm finishing the book. All told, I ended up waiting 20 minutes past when we were supposed to board. I ended up 20 pages away from the end. I'm still that far away, actually. I'm getting ahead of myself, however. I returned to Houston and had dinner with my dad and Fonguro, my coworker / house sitter. We all refrained from imbibing, which was weird, but Fonguro is on a health kick thanks to (hopefully) myself and Shawn's overbearing influence. Upon our return we called it a night because a big day lay in store for us.

On Saturday I was up at 9 AM and quickly did the shower and protein one-two punch. We piled into Fonguro's car and headed to this place that makes prepared foods. Fonguro, as I mentioned earlier, is on a diet plan to increase his Burly Man appearance and this cool little place that prepares the food had his weekend meals already prepared and at the ready. We dropped this off at The Office. I miss The Office. It's so purdy. My car rental last month was a mind-boggling $2000 which made the higher-ups freak out (and a half). Luckily we noticed this was not a good price to be paying which is why I'm currently on the Go Green public transportation kick. Remember when I said I had a sore throat? I think I got that from being amongst The Train People. I still am hacking up a storm here on the plane back to Philly, but yet again, I'm getting ahead of myself. We then headed to Best Buy where we picked up Fonguro's step bro. From there, we were on to the magical land of Marvel McFay, otherwise known as Astroworld. Or as it's now called, Six Flags Astroworld. This would be the only time I'd get to go this year, so we made a day of it. Having procured our tickets online earlier that morning, we blew past the first set of booths (after the traditional post 9/11 pat-down) and gave our printouts to the ticket cutting people. Fonguro's bro got trapped by The Survey People. The guy administering the survey was super-bitchy and didn't like the attitude we exhibited when we learned that the questions he was asking were completely voluntarily. This guy was cutting into Fun Time. He claimed it would take only 30 seconds. Fonguro and I crossed over into the park, looking back wistfully at his stepbrother who continued to respond to survey guy's questions. After a minute I yelled, “This is way longer than 30 seconds.” Survey guy came over to us (behind Fonguro's step-bro) and told us he was a supervisor and didn't appreciate us. I told him, oh poor baby, as he walked away. Geez. Get a life. We immediately proceeded to The Serial Thriller. I think it's important to mention now that I was wearing my Late Show with David Letterman cap that I bought while in NYC with my sissy. Halfway through the ride my cap flew off into oblivion. I gave a cursory search as we exited, but didn't locate my hat, sadly. We then hit up the Dungeon Drop twice before moving on through the park. All told, we rode Greased Lightning, The Texas Cyclone, the Astroway, Batman: The Escape and The Viper. We made a return trip to Serial Thriller where I made a last ditch effort to locate my hat. I found it in this pit where you're about to go upside down. If you went into the pit while the ride went by then you'd surely be stricken dead by either a car or by a person in a car. I found out that we had to come back at 8 PM if we expected to retrieve my hat. Determined to succeed, we immediately went back to Dungeon Drop for some more freefall action and then returned to Greased Lightning for more. We headed back to Serial Thriller and decided to ride the ride until it closed so we would be RIGHT THERE when the time came. We rode in the front seat nearly ever time (it's the best seat). We made mild acquaintance with the operator girl. Turns out she was just now a junior in high school and was being paid $5.30 an hour to operate the ride. That's nothing! They should be paying her at least $10. All of our lives are at stake with this girl and she gets paid chump change. Wow. She assured us that she'd taken a 45 minute test that was impossible to cheat on. I got on the ride and we started up. Halfway to the top the car suddenly jolted to a stop. We hung there for what seemed like an eternity. After 10 minutes, I called up Fonguro, who was still waiting in the line below, and asked what was going on. Apparently some kid a few seats behind me had unbuckled his shoulder restraint after the ride had begun. Policy dictates that the ride has to be stopped if it hasn't gone over the hill. They sent for a supervisor and we would have to wait for his arrival. I'd heard from operator girl that it took 45 minutes for a supervisor to shop up sometimes. This is why they didn't stop the ride for me to get my hat. After 20 minutes had passed, we were finally given the all-clear and the ride resumed. The car stopped yet again short of the end of the ride and we hung there waiting a second time. This time somebody had dropped a cell phone or this was all part of the process where we make sure somebody didn't fall out of the ride and bust their ass on the ground. After another 5 minutes the ride finally returned to the docking station area and we got off. We quickly exited and re-entered while there was still time and made it for last call at 8 PM. I got to ride two more times. Finally, at about 8:25 PM, I was rewarded with my beloved David Letterman hat. Earlier in the afternoon I bought a hat that said Astroworld 1968 in much the same style of hats that I'd seen at DisneyLand that said DisneyLand 1955. It came with a purported medium sized t-shirt. It was more like a kid's size medium, however. If any of my wee friends are looking for a t-shirt, get back to me. We opted for the classic Speedy Exit from the parking lot. This is the exit that goes right out onto the 610 feeder street. It's sort of suicidal in that you have to speed up and change lanes three times in a short period and then hopefully you have enough speed to enter the freeway and not get in a wreck when merging with traffic. Whew. That's way more detail than I wanted to give. Good times.

Sunday was mostly a wash. I goofed off and suffered from my upper respiratory issues. There was a lot of coughing. That evening I went to Lupe Tortilla in Northwest Houston with my parents and sister's family. I almost made it through the whole dinner unscathed from birthday celebrations until I felt a giant sombrero get placed on my head. I got a slice of flan and some singing that I didn't understand. I don't remember if I saw a flash from a camera. I got dropped off back at the house and resumed the hacking cough and hope that sweet death would come. Not.

Monday was catch-up day. I woke up early from another Lindsay Lohan dream. It's not what you're thinking. I recently bought the domain with the intention of setting up unofficial sites for whatever subject I felt like. For some reason my brain was trying to convince me that was a good idea. All I have is some pictures of the back of her head, however, so I don't see that happening anytime soon.

more diversionary tactics

2005.08.16 23.31

As I try to shrug off a possible sore throat today, I'd like to publish another round of my deleted scenes from SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE that I got off my 1982 recording of the ABC broadcast. This is just a quick reaction shot of the guys who are driving up to the scene of Miss Teschmacher lying on the road. They pretty much say ''Oh, wow! That's pretty bad!'' and many variations on that same theme. If you look closely, that's Larry (I Dream of Jeannie, Dallas) Hagman saying that he's going to call an ambulance. Larry had several lines in this sequence trimmed back. He's totally hilarious. Just wait until the third scene gets published. But for the time being, watch this scene and wish that it was longer. That sounds bad. Oh well, too bad. I've gotta go. It's hard writing these snippets, okay?

and the winner is...

2005.08.12 9.17

...Shawn. He guessed the correct answer to my last blog entry: Lindsay Lohan. That's right. The girl I dreamed as being a part of the Sith and having dark powers was only a few feet away from me. I didn't notice any dark-side powered helmets nearby. Just two of her friends, one of which was wayyyy too tan for her own good. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning...

I woke up took the 7:51 AM ''R5'' train to the office. I had to get as much done including working through lunch because I'd be leaving at 1 PM. I changed clothes and got a camera ready for my trip. There was a last minute change of mind regarding which shirt I'd wear. I figured I missed the 3:01 PM Amtrak train that I was going to catch since I didn't leave my place until 3:02 PM. As luck would have it, the train was exactly 14 minutes late and showed up just as I entered 30th Street Terminal. Upon my arrival in NYC, I immediately found a subway map and got onto the Number Two line since it passed the Chelsea area where the theater was located. Turns out I was taking the express train and it passed my stop. I got off at 14th street and took the Number 1 Local. Duh. I get smarter about how to use the NY subway system incrementally. I got out at 23rd street and only had to walk up from 7th Avenue to between 8th and 9th. The Chelsea West Theater had tents set up probably in fear that it would rain again as it had done earlier that morning. I procured my tickets from the Will Call line. Turns out there was another line for radio station winners. I hate it when they involve radio station winners. I know that sounds pompous, but radio station winners dilute the entourages and hangers on and freakos that you normally get to see amongst the others. called up Van after making sure my tickets were inside the envelope. She's a former co-worker friend of mine from where I'm currently consulting. She taxi'ed her way up to the theater. We went across the street and had a drink while waiting for the theater to open up. Around 6:30 PM we hit the red carpet and walked into the lobby. That was the first time we saw Lohan. We people watched from the lobby until the last possible minute and then went into our theater. I was in for a shock when it turned out they had two screens and we were being directed to the Crappy Second Screen with the shmoes. However, there was an exodus of schmoes as we realized the main theater was only half empty. We got good seats a couple of rows near the back and only had to move once when people with proper tickets arrived. I was more than happy to be out of Theater Number Two, so if I had to give up my seat for someone else it wasn't a big deal for me. John Singleton introduced all the major players to the film. This is a luxury considering nobody else is going to point out who everyone is when you're at the after-party and wondering if someone really is who you think. The film started and the movie began immediately. Mark's assistant E had a nice cameo in one scene and I chanted ''EEEEEEEE!'' along with a few other people when he briefly appeared. I enjoyed the film thoroughly. Nothing better than a 70's style caper complete with great action and a period feel to it. I'd see it again, and I will definitely get the DVD. The after-party was a few blocks away. We took the Paramount provided bus there in lieu of The Walking. There was a small VIP area that I couldn't get into as I couldn't find E to hopefully wave myself and Van in. No problem, though, as we had a good time mingling around. I did get a photo of Van with Lohan, although I don't have the copy (it's on Van's camera). We partied til' 1 AM and then I crashed at Van's apartment. It was quite small, but the view of the Empire State Building from the window was impressive. I likey the New York City. I sneaked out at 6 AM and took the train back to Philly. I walked my dog and fed him as he'd been waiting 16 hours for my return. I then went back to work and got in just after 10 AM. It was good times all around. I'm totally looking forward to the next Mark Wahlberg big screen spectacular ''The Departed'' which should come out near the end of the year. It has Academy Award nominee written all over it. I'm hoping Scorcese finally gets the nod after losing out last year to Clint Eastwood.

Okay, that's enough about that. More later. If you want to see the photos in an unedited state, you can go here.

four brothers premiere

2005.08.10 8.05

I'll add more to this later, but I wanted to at least start the ball rolling with a little game this afternoon. If you need some help, check out these Yahoo News Photos from the premiere.

Who's Back Of The Head Is That?

four brothers premiere new york chelsea theater

diversionary tactics

2005.08.07 17.29

Lex Luthor is gritting his teeth, waiting to see if Otis is going to figure out what he's doing wrong. After waiting several moments, Luthor finally questions Otis: ''Mr. Otis, do you live in England?'' Otis thinks about this for a moment, as if it's a trick question. Can you guess what he's going to say? I really like this little scene. It's one of three from this sequence that I'll be posting whenever I feel bored. My guess on why this was cut? There's too great a distance between how far the car goes and when they finally flip it over. Same problem from the cat burlgar sequence. Continuity. Despite that, SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE has all sorts of little surprises like this that got cut in the editing room. Okay, now I'm trying to think of something else to say so I can fit this text into the space to the left of the photo. Ummm. Wal-Mart closes way too early on Sundays in Philadelphia. Tell your friends. Okay, that's enough of that. Now, watch the clip.

spamalot & my date with drew

2005.08.05 23.00

Perhaps this is premature, but I just wanted to show you the travelogue that QueenBeth put together about our trip to New York last month. I can still taste the Ben & Jerry's. Mmmm. In other news, I'm going to the premiere for FOUR BROTHERS in New York on Tuesday. Woo hoo! First premiere for me that is competely just webmaster related since 2001. Yes, there'll be photos. More later.

I just got back from watching the new documentary film MY DATE WITH DREW which opened today. It was SOOO funny. It's all about this guy named Brian who has wins a tv game show thanks to the answer ''Drew Barrymore.'' He realizes he's had a crush on her and this must be some kind of sign. So, he decides to dedicate 30 days and his winnings ($1100) with the goal of getting a date with the one and only Drew Barrymore. Will he succeed? You'll have to watch the movie to find out. This is easily the funniest damn movie I've seen this year. If you want to leave the theater smiling and happy, this is the movie to see. Movies like this make me want to make movies. It's that good. See it soon!

my date with drew

the crazies

2005.08.03 20.43

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... the crazy guy who was writing me back when Real World Austin started filming has returned to my InBox. I'm definitely not replying to this one. Today has been too filled with other crazy peple for me to deal with it. Bleah.
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 18:24:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: "sam cole" <>
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by
Subject: Re: REMEMBER THIS IS AMERICA and is not run by YOU

Good news 6 months and a new clean gay sprit
the Lord has fufilled a prayer that i faild to see for myself intull now

Long story short

when king david Sung from his heart to the Lord LORD PUT IN ME A NEW HEART AND A CLEAN SPIRIT

well 6 months ago god took the Worldly Homosexual Spirit and the old heart out and then left me and built me up over the last 6 months and thue a confermation process the lord put in me a clean spirt and a new heart
Gay YES but not the same as 99% of the rest

god has extended me his mercy to go and seek thoes that are in tide and shew them the way out

the commandment is by the Holy spirit

in and this new sprit is Unlike what is decribed in Romans this is a clean homosexual spirit

No lust or fornication or uncleanness nor wickedness or wrath pr curseing or bitterness and forgivness and mercy and truth

if you could picture this in you're head

in spiritual language im the equivelent to a baptist minister but my new mission is to save the gays not from homosexuality but from the Old sprirt of homosexuality

this only comes after countless hours of pleading with the lord

and His will will be done

God hates Luke worm people he loves them HOT or COLD but not inbetween

Luke worm is like saysing or thinking or acting in chruch you beleave in god but as soon as you're out youre back to carnal life

or you are flexable to both the emany and the holy spirit and truth does not abide in one that is wicked or is Luke worm

to put it into prospective

JESUS LOVES GAYS but hates the sin wich comes from the act

JESUS SAID if you should look at a woman in lust you have committed adoatry with her

this also applies to a woman looking at a man in lust or a man looking at another man or a woman looking at another woman

I asked the Lord in prayer and he is sending me back to try to save gays once more

surrender to JESUS TODAY and be set free freedom from sin and death

ask the lord to take out the old Homosexual spirit and put in you a new gay spirit

clean from lust, pride,fornicaitons,emulations,strife,wrath,discord,murders ect ect sin and take all things to the Lord in prayer

i testify to you that thue this i am new creature in JESUS

will you take up the cross?

------ Uh... No. But I will take a ham and cheese on rye, hold the mayo.

now i'm upset

2005.08.01 10.24

Vader was visibly upset that the final choice for rebel base expeditions had been made. ''But there are no people there!'' he whined to his petite, blonde, 18 year-old companion (HERBIE: FULLY LOADED's Lindsay Lohan). ''You'll be okay'' she assured him. Vader then took off his mask and wrapped his hand around the side of his face, his fingers passing right through where a nose used to be. ''Awwww, come on!'' Lindsay then insisted that scans indicated the Vahrihon System was where the rebel base was going to be located. Vader then furtively opined, ''It's just not cool that we're going there and won't have anyone to help us out.'' Lindsay replied: ''Dude, we have, like, a million clones. We'll be fine.'' Lindsay then placed black headgear similar to Vader's over her head and pressed a button. A grotesque series of sliding, metallic-black facial plates slid over her mouth and eventually enveloped her entire face. When the process was complete, the plates morphed and took on her earlier non-mask, human appearance. And then... she began to sing. A perfectly mechanical voice began to sing a pop song. It was obvious to Vader that the mask was helping her do this. The scene suddenly stopped when I pressed a button on my Playstation 2. I wondered how this scene could have been cut from Star Wars: Episode III. ''Wow, how did this scene get cut from Star Wars: Episode III?'' I asked redundantly. I then woke up from my dream in a sweat. I'm weird, right? Is this a normal dream?

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© Mark Shields

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