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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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crappy valentine's day

2001.02.14 23.04

I've almost recovered from helping that satellite land on the asteroid. My mood is upbeat. I am finding myself interested in figuring out what is going to happen tomorrow when that guy stabs the pig on Survivor. I mean, come on, some girl (Kimmie?) is seen sobbing and weeping. All I'm thinking is PORK CHOPS! I see pork jerky. Bacon in the morning. Oh, and the horrible memory of a little piggy getting stabbed viciously by some dude that you and your friends can vote off the show. I will have to tape it, however. My MRI is scheduled at 7:45 PM tomorrow evening. I will have Secret Service agents and Mexican banditos watching my house while I'm out. It won't upset my schedule. Oh, I haven't mentioned that yet. Basically at 10 PM the Daily Show with John Stewart is my first hit. From 10:30 PM to 11:30 PM is David Letterman. Sticking to CBS, the next show at 11:30 PM is RealTV with Ahmad Rashad. I love that damn show. It makes hurting my feet seem OK. After that is over and I'm still awake, I'll try to watch Craig Killbourn (however you spell that). If I have to go to work the next day, I hang it up after RealTV's last teeth gritting, blood curdling gross out caught on video scene. Nothing like a little tension release when you attempt to fall asleep. Ahem.

I was thinking about the Houston Police Department and how we could improve their image. First off, I'd change the color of their uniforms. Sure, we'd have to keep the blue, but just the pockets. The rest of the uniform would be bright orange. I figure, good enough for prisoners, good enough for The Man. Lots of people wear blue. But almost everyone shuns the bright orange. If you suddenly found yourself in a terrible situation and needed to locate a police officer (and assuming you weren't at a rave), you could pick out a cop in minutes. I'm sure.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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