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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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2001.03.29 19.11

Watching lots of interviews with Jennifer Love Hewitt on the telly. She fine! I like how she's not a completely traditional beauty. I definitely find myself attracted to girls that are unique and, preferrably, freaky. In a good way. I need that freaky quality to keep up with my own, of course. Okay, if I had to pick between Thora Birch and Jennifer Love, I'd have to take Thora. Now, if I could only move to Los Angeles and put myself into a situation where that would actually happen. I believe magic beans would be involved.

Saw Traffic last Friday. Good movie. There are some sex for drugs scenes in there that I felt could have been skimmed over. I understand that showing the trading of sexual favors for illegal substances makes the travesty of drugs seem all the more real. I remember Ronald Reagan once lamented about how movies now seem to show you everything and don't leave anything to the imagination. Smart guy. Speaking of... Reagan is one of the few presidents that I didn't get to see in person. I know presidents get knocked for whatever decisions they make, but I still think it is important to make some effort to see them (and possibly yell out some choice Monica Lewinsky jokes). Where was I? Oh. Yeah... Traffic good. Go see it. Hannibal good, too. Gladiator good. Hmmm. What is up with one word movie titles? I dare George Lucas to come up with a one word title for the next Star Wars movie. My suggestions? Episode 2: Waaazzzzzup! Episode 2: Descent. Episode 2: Ooopsy. Hmmm. Nah, this won't work.

Check out this semi-accurate virtual version of myself. The only disarming thing about it is that after it says a phrase that I pick, it sometimes goes into a female's voice. Not good. I sense room for improvement. His face ain't puffy enough to look totally like me. Squint your eyes a bit and it's all me.

I wish all movie sites were as good as this.

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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