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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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tripped out

2002.03.12 0.49

I'm leaning against the wall in the Grand Central Station subway track ramp. I am waiting for the number 4 to show up. Tonight I came to NY to see the trade center light towers and the sculpture "The Sphere" which used to reside in the courtyard between the towers. So freaky that it was covered with debris for so long and now stands resurrected. I then took the subway to Times Square. I walked into the Roxy deli only to be shocked by the menu. If I wana spend 22 bucks on a kinish, it had better be in the year 2037. And speaking of, I caught a showing of "the time machine" at the loews times square. It was a pretty awful flick. You would think it would be charming to watch a movie with New York as its initial setting. Wrongo. The story was just plain bad and boring. Jeremy Irons was totally wasted in a role that probably lasted all of five minutes. Thankfully the running time was only around 90 minutes and I was granted an early release. I deferred to the cheap culinary delights of McDonald's thereafter. So, now I am here and waiting forever for the number 4 to downtown. I am at the Wall Street terminal. My lovely rental car is parked at the Battery Parking Garage. How clever! The garage has amenities such as scary unlit floors and exits that lead to locked doors. It was like being lost in the bathroom, only with the lights on...

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Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

© Mark Shields

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