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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

« August 2008 | Home | November 2008 »

attack of the show

2008.10.17 1.22

In case you didn't know about my 1989 Keaton Batmobile Replica, the G4TV network clued everyone in on it in a short piece they aired yesterday on their program ''Attack of the Show.'' Want to see? Here's a clip!

extreme wet makeover

2008.10.10 16.45

The shoot for Extreme Home Makeover was fairly miserable. I knew this going in as the bus was being pelted with rain as soon as we left the UMN campus at 7:30 A.M. Upon our arrival we were scooted into a tent where we enjoyed a decent mini breakfast meal. Fun fact was that every pizza selection included some form of bacon which pretty much ruled me out eating any of it. I'm still on the egg-fish-dairy-chicken modified vegetarian diet that I've been keeping up since early 2006. There was a brief reprieve when the brass section was asked to enter the kitchen and participate in a scene being shot there. The trumpets made a valiant attempt to be featured up front by asking that everyone else go in before them. This attempt was quashed when the Dr. Diem (our marching band director) insisted that the trombones be up front. Nice! Either I'm completely in a full head on shot or I'm not in there at all. The scene setup was that volunteers were going to play the musical instruments that adorned the new living room's shelves. They attempted to play them and sounded terrible. Paul Dimeo turns and asks ''if you guys'' (off-camera) can help out? We then play the last note of the Minnesota Rouser at 130 decibels for several seconds after which he replies, ''Now that's a band.'' Yes, it's corny, but then again so is the entire premise of the show.

extreme home makeover

2008.10.07 19.17

I need to post more! I have been in full band mode for the last 6 weeks. I've attended 4 games thus far (all of which we've won). Today we were in a farming community near Albert Lea, MN filming scenes for a December 2008 episode of ABC's Extreme Home Makeover. It was raining on us for the most part, although the brass section did get to go inside the house and film a quick scene that you'll see near the end of the episode before the family arrives. Lots of takes. Fun. I'm in a hurry to shower and rendezvous with the girlfriend this evening for her weekly round of allergy shots. I'll try to post a more generously detailed update within the next few days. No promises. If you've got me on your Facebook then you'll know that I'm updating a lot more frequently over there, although I only blog here out of faith to my original blog. I should whine about how my Houston, Texas house sustained some minor damage, but compared to what happened to a lot of other people I suppose I got off pretty light.

Okay, more later.

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