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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

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jvhs band 1985

2008.06.30 1.10

JVHS 1985 Band Video  JVHS 1985 Band Video

The clip above was originally sourced from a box of beta format videotapes that drum major Kim Lytle's parents graciously lent me in early 1992. I'd been searching for old tapes of the band (I think?) and was on a nostalgic binge at the time. The tapes were in Beta format and the Lytles didn't have a working Beta VCR. Lucky for me my friend and fellow band-mate Dawn Farrow's dad lent me his retired Betamax VCR. He gave me a quick lesson on the quirks of the player which mostly consisted of the many ways of avoiding having the VCR eat the tapes. I seem to recall something about what I had to do if I noticed a burning smell. Hmmm. Anyway, I duplicated everything over the next week. This meant copying each Beta tape to a high quality VHS tape in SP mode. In case you've forgotten (or never knew), SP mode means Standard Play. As the kids say, that mode's quality is bomb. I then cataloged the contents of each tape into a Lotus 123 spreadsheet, filed the tape into my cabinet, and quickly forgot about them. Awww.

Fast-forward 16 years. The tapes were in storage in Houston until February 2008 when I shipped them all here to Minneapolis. 9 boxes. The UPS shipping guy loved me. I took JVHS BAND TAPE #1 out of the box on Friday night and imported it using Windows Movie Maker. I picked this clip out and processed it with Adobe Premiere CS3. What's that mean? I cleaned up the picture by calibrating all the levels as best as I could manage (given that everything had a sort of fuzzy purple haze to it). I re-centered the picture to fit within a 720x480 frame. In retrospect, I should have put my MARKSHIELDS.COM watermark in the left corner. The YouTube logo is superimposed when you're watching it elsewhere. Duh. Also, I converted this from 29.97 frames per second (fps) to 24 fps and back to 29.97 fps. Don't ask -- I saw a checkbox and I hit it. Several hours passed, etc. The photos above are the BEFORE and AFTER of the video for your consideration. When you view the video on YouTube, make sure you click the ''Watch In High Quality'' link to the bottom right of the video. Got that? Now click here for a sample of good ol' 1985.

A few quick notes... I'm not in the video as the Texas law ''No Pass No Play'' kept me home that year. Algebra II you were my enemy and you beat me (until summer school when I kicked your ass). You will notice lots of lingering over drum major Kim Lytle. Parents do that when they film their kids. Repeat after me: ''Mark Shields is not a pervert.'' Thank you. With that being said, this video begins with the band warming up to their last home football game of the 1985-1986 school year. The band can be heard briefly playing the songs "Temptation" and "She Blinded Me With Science." Among the voices and faces included during the Seniors Recognition and Favorites announcements are director Timothy "Tim" Wayne Cunningham, Robin Rollins, Andrew "Andy" Fischbach, Doug Caesar, Brigitte Cantrell, Stephanie Dishroon, Zeke Duran III, Lee Mamone, John Gragg, Jeanie Grape, Valerie Hurta, Stefanie Loveless, Kimberly "Kim" Lytle, Laura Ross, and Steve Sims.

the happening

2008.06.11 0.57

The Happening Premiere New York City June 10, 2008

barack obama rally at the xcel

2008.06.04 1.25

Tonight Sam and I attended the Barack Obama Democratic nomination clinch-a-rama rally in St. Paul at the Xcel Energy Center. Clicking that link will take you to my coverage. I think it's fairly neutral and I'm sure I'll be smuggling this thing into the Rebublican National Convention when it comes into town shortly. Am I invited to that? Well, no... but has that ever stopped me? The length of the line to get into today's rally *almost* stopped me. However, Project Line Budge came into play and saved the day. For those of you not from the area, the term ''budging'' is analogous to line cutting. I didn't really line cut. It was more like creative merging. It wasn't my idea! Little Shia made me do it.

2008.06.02 0.25

My blogging has been suffering as of late, but my productivity hasn't. When I'm not juggling multiple projects at work, I'm coming up with crazy ideas for websites. At last count I have 25 projects in one state or another. Right now I'm posting to tell you all about LittleShia, my Mini Shia LaBeouf photography site. It was either this or a mini Jenna Jamison photography site, but I figured I wouldn't get banned from Google Adsense if I picked the former vs. the latter. You should just visit LittleShia rather than expect me to explain exactly what the site is all about. All you need to know is that Grand Old Days in St. Paul Minnesota happened today and Little Shia came along for the ride. Samantha, Lauren, Abby and Dan are all guest stars in the first photo set of 75 pictures. My new Canon 40D camera is kicking ass left and right as you can see. These were shot using the automatic mode and the standard lens that came with the body. The last 4 or 5 shots use my EF macro lens and you can tell from the field of depth that it's macro goodness all the way.

Enough about me. Check it out and expect another blog entry shortly.

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