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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

« August 2007 | Home | October 2007 »

blogging on the iPhone

2007.09.28 23.28

I'm posting this from my iPhone while watching top chef at the girlfriend's house. We're supposed to meet up with Team Chaos at the Park Pub bowling alley. The bar opened at 8 but cosmic bowl doesn't start until 10. I have no idea what that means... But I will. Okay this will be short cuz I'm getting made fun of for blogging during the show.

minnesota state fair 2007

2007.09.28 8.37

I've decided that I shouldn't promise to do anything because it makes me not want to do whatever it was that was promised. Recent example? I fully intended to post all my Minnesota State Fair photos online after I returned to the confines of The Shields Lair. This did not occur, however. Given that time has passed and I've examined previous blog entries, I now find that, at 4:55 AM, I have the time to post some photos and make a few sarcastic comments. To make things more fun, I also managed to use up another 20 minutes drawing suggestive cartoon captions into one of the images. Now my sarcastic comments will remain in perpetuity. Here we go.

Minnesota State Fair
All the milk you can drink for $1? More like drink and ralph for $1.

Minnesota State Fair
Deep fried Oreo cookies? More like deep fried death! Mmmm!

Minnesota State Fair
Snack Mix? Did the cooks construct the Chex themselves? The Super Genius wants beer.

Minnesota State Fair
Not all pumpkins are orange, apparently.

Minnesota State Fair
Not all middle-aged Minnesotans are lecherous, apparently... except the guy on the right.


2007.09.26 1.33

My two-year SprintPCS contract ends on July 20, 2008. That's, like, so far away. I've been working from home today and I'm flipping out about how busy I am. As I'm in such a crazed state trying to keep up, I'm actually thinking that paying a $150 penalty to SprintPCS for breaking my contract is a great idea. It's the best freaking idea I've had all month! Okay, well, the first best idea I had was deciding that my porn star name should be Hour and a Half Mark, but the _second_ best idea is switching to AT&T so I can get my iPhone on. Oh, did I not mention the iPhone? That'd be the reason behind all of this insanity. Expect an update soon with more unexpected twists and turns.

you never post anymore!

2007.09.21 11.23

I've fallen off the frequent blogger wagon. This is true. I'm super busy with my work (sometimes working up to 16 hours a day for the last week) and then still try to find some time with my girlfriend when I'm not asleep or driving to or fro. I've figured that I could blog more if I could get photos from my phone automatically uploaded as I drive between work and girlfriend and home. I'm calling my breaks -- these brief moments -- Me Time. Irregardless (which is not a word but I use it anyway in honor of any Bostonians who may be reading this blog), I'm due for some blogging when I can find a spare moment... but not right now. Instead, check out this awesome new Amazon Wishlist Widget. It's customizable. Woo! I know you're impressed. No, I'm not suggesting that anyone should get me anything -- I just wanted to try out the widget (it was announced this morning). More to come.

seth green is funny...

2007.09.14 19.06

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