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Mark Shields
Super Genius
Bio Journal Movies Photography Portals Wishlist

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are my own only and in no way represent the views, positions or opinions - expressed or implied - of my employers both past and present.

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voices from the past

2005.12.14 13.39

Listen to an MP3 of my sister and I when we were in the 4th and 6th grades respectively. This was for an English-K class and the assignment was to cover a short story of some sort. I'm not sure how we settled on doing The Helen Keller Story. It's super super cheesy so feel free to turn up the volume as loud as you can and embarass yourself. My sis is the narrator and I'm the other voices, the baby, the sound effects, and whatever else. This is just one of many examples of the audio I imported while I was in Houston last weekend. Here's an answering machine message someone left on my USS Enterprise BBS phone number when the site was down. You can tell he's annoyed that a computer isn't answering the phone. Good times!

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